Version 7 of read_with_timeout

Updated 2005-12-12 14:29:06

[Group project!]

    # After at most $timeout milliseconds, return a string of at most $number_of_characters.
    # [Hide stuff inside some namespace.]
    proc read_with_timeout {channel number_of_characters timeout} {
        # Preserve existing fileevent on $channel in order to restore it on return.
        # Define timeout handler.
        # Create character-at-a-time fileevent handler which accumulates result string.
        # Restore original fileevent.

# Variation, from entirely different direction: Expect's timeout.

# Also note that some channels (serial ports?) already admit timeout configuration.

# Is it time for a TIP to propose that Tcl do this for all platforms/devices/...?

Not sure why you only want to have a "character-at-a-time" fileevent handler, but if you care to do this more efficiently (reading in chunks), does something like the following do what you want? (forgive the verbosity and lack of testing, I just coded this up in a few minutes)- Todd Coram

 namespace eval ::timed {
    array set orig_event [list]
    array set orig_config [list]
    array set result [list]
    array set error [list]

    proc read {channel count timeout} {
        variable orig_event
        variable orig_config
        variable error
        variable result

        set orig_event($channel) [fileevent $channel readable]
        set orig_config($channel) [fconfigure $channel]
        set result($channel) ""
        set error($channel) ""

        fconfigure $channel -blocking 0

        set timer_id [after $timeout \
                    [namespace code [list cancel $channel "timeout"]]]
        fileevent $channel readable\
            [namespace code [list read_accum $channel $count ""]]

        vwait ::timed::result($channel)
        after cancel $timer_id

        if {[llength $orig_event($channel)] > 0} {
            fileevent $channel readable $orig_event($channel)
        eval fconfigure $channel $orig_config($channel)

        if {$error($channel) != ""}  {
            error $error($channel)
        return $result($channel)

    proc gets { channel timeout { line_p "" } } {
        if { $line_p ne "" } {
            upvar $line_p line

        set size 0
        set line ""
        while { 1 } {
            if { [catch {[namespace current]::read $channel 1 $timeout} char] } {
                return -1
            } elseif { $char eq "\n" } {
                if { $line_p eq "" } {
                    return $line
                } else {
                    return [string length $line]
            } else {
                append line $char

    proc read_accum {channel count accum} {
        variable result

        set bytes [::read $channel $count]
        if {[eof $channel]} {
            cancel $channel "eof"
        append accum $bytes
        incr count -[string bytelength $bytes]
        if {$count > 0} {
            fileevent $channel readable \
                [namespace code [list read_accum $channel $count $accum]]
        } else {
            set result($channel) $accum

    proc cancel {channel reason} {
        variable result
        variable error

        set result($channel) ""
        set error($channel) "[namespace current]::read failed: $reason"

EF I have modified the code above so that it also supports a gets-level. The code does no buffering, so it is not for production use. Also, I changed the behaviour of read_accum so that it only sets the result once all data asked for has been read, which should better comply to what the regular read command does.