Version 2 of qstarpack

Updated 2006-01-18 16:27:49

qstarpack is a quick script I wrote for those that claim wrapping single files into a starpack is hard. Well, as for difficult code, compare that to an ant XML file :-)

  package require mk4vfs

  set args {binaryName scriptName outFile}

  if {[llength $args] != [llength $argv]} {
      puts stderr "Usage: [info script] $args"
      exit 1

  foreach $args $argv break

  file copy -force $binaryName $outFile

  vfs::mk4::Mount $outFile $outFile

  set fh [open [file join $outFile main.tcl] w]
  fconfigure $fh -translation lf
  puts $fh "package require starkit\nstarkit::startup\npackage require app"
  close $fh

  file mkdir [file join $outFile lib]
  file mkdir [file join $outFile lib app]

  set fh [open [file join $outFile lib app pkgIndex.tcl] w]
  fconfigure $fh -translation lf
  puts $fh {package ifneeded app 1.0 [list source [file join $dir app.tcl]]}
  close $fh

  set fh [open [file join $outFile lib app app.tcl] w]
  fconfigure $fh -translation lf
  puts $fh {package provide app 1.0}

  set sfh [open $scriptName r]
  puts $fh [read $sfh]
  close $sfh

  close $fh

  vfs::unmount $outFile

  exit 0

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