To process a large number of dirs and subdirs with subdirs... one could try threads to see if this speed up things. How could this first shot be improved? Try example e.g. with ====== tclkitsh xxx.tcl c:/windows ====== ====== lappend auto_path ./ package require Thread set tp [tpool::create -minworkers 10 -maxworkers 200] foreach dir [glob -nocomplain -type d -dir [lindex $argv 0] -- *] { lappend res $dir lappend threadList [tpool::post $tp [format { if {![catch {glob -nocomplain -type d -dir %s -- *} res]} { return $res } } $dir]] } while {[llength $threadList]} { set completedThreads [tpool::wait $tp $threadList threadList] foreach t $completedThreads { set dirs [tpool::get $tp $t] if {[llength $dirs]} { lappend res {*}$dirs foreach dir $dirs { lappend threadList [tpool::post $tp [format { if {![catch {glob -nocomplain -type d -dir %s -- *} res]} { return $res } } $dir]] } } } } tpool::release $tp puts [join [lsort $res] \n] ====== <>Threads | Example