Version 24 of process control

Updated 2012-09-24 09:47:47 by LkpPo

While it's natural for those with a software orientation to analyze "process control" as a label for what open and exec, for example, do (they control processes), it's most common in the larger world to gloss the term as the "engineering discipline that deals with ... mechanisms ... for controlling ... a specific [physical] process." [L1 ]. Tcl'ers with interest and experience in process control include: Steve Offutt; KBK; Gerald Lester; CL; Philip Quaife; De Clarke; Steve Redler IV; AJB; SS; Chris Nelson; DG, working in 2005 on a Cytomat24 laboratory incubator; Jeff Godfrey; RFox...

(Near-)synonyms: "industrial automation", ...

Also see this [L2 ] entry to a Wiki focussed on process control with dynamic software.

Also see ... *[L3 ] Process Control as it refers to Loop control of a process

Enhanced Machine Control