parseQif takes a QIF file and generates a csv style file ====== #!/usr/bin/tclsh # Jerry LeVan ( # April 4 2004 new file # On output use this seperator set sep "|" # # The first letter of each line is a Key, we are interested in # D (Date) T (Amount) N (TranID) P (Source) M (Memo) C (Status) L (Category) # set keys "DTNPMCL" set keyList [split $keys ""] # # get the filename # if {$argc} { set f [lindex $argv 0] } else { puts "useage: parseQif " return 1 } # # open the file # set input [open $f "r"] # get an output file by replacing .qif by .csv if { ! [regsub -nocase {\.qif$} $f {.csv} outFile ] } { set outFile [append f ".csv"] } set output [open $outFile "w"] # # read the file into a big string # set theFile [read $input] close $input regsub -all {\n\^\n} $theFile {^} chunks set chunks [split $chunks "^"] set chunks [lrange $chunks 1 end-1] foreach item $chunks { set itemList [split $item "\n"] unset -nocomplain keyArray foreach ch $keyList { set keyArray($ch) "" } foreach detail $itemList { set key [string index $detail 0] set value [string range $detail 1 end] set keyArray($key) $value } unset -nocomplain line foreach ch $keyList { append line $keyArray($ch) $sep } set line [string range $line 0 end-1] puts $output $line } close $output ====== <>Category Business