A fast C extension for parsing procedure arguments written by Cyan Ogilvie. Available from https://github.com/RubyLane/parse_args. Presented at the Tcl 2016 conference. See the https://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2016/assets/talk33/parse_args-paper.pdf%|%paper%|% (PDF) and https://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2016/assets/talk33/parse_args-slides.html%|%slides%|%. ---- [AMG]: [argparse] is remarkably similar, though currently implemented in Tcl script. I wrote a long and detailed comparison between the two, but MSIE11 (which I am required to use because corporate policy claims it's more secure than Firefox) crashed before I could hit save. I'll have to write it all again another time when I'm in a more stable environment. <>Argument Processing