[['''`[http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/panedwindow.htm%|%panedwindow]`'''] creates and manipulates [paned window] [widget%|%widgets] Also called '''tk::panedwindow''' in Tk 8.5. ** See Also ** [paned window]: [ttk::panedwindow]: ** Documentation ** [TIP] [http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/41.html%|%41], Paned Window Tk Widget: [http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/panedwindow.htm%|%official reference]: ** Description ** ** Examples ** [Ro]: I always find that I need some examples to get started with a widget. So here is a simple example that should get you started with the panedwindow from Tk 8.4 (be sure to check out the man page [http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.4/TkCmd/panedwindow.htm] for details) ====== package require Tk 8.4 panedwindow .pw -orient vertical label .pw.x1 -text Bapy -fg orange -bg black label .pw.x2 -text Mojo -fg white -bg red .pw add .pw.x1 -minsize 200 .pw add .pw.x2 -minsize 100 pack .pw -fill both -expand yes ====== Maximize the window to see how you can alter the sizes of the panes, while respecting the minsize that was chosen by the config option `-minsize` . The widgets that you add to the panedwindow MUST be children of the panedwindow, in this case they must be .pw.something . On windows, mouse-button-1 resizes the panes once you let go of the sash, whereas mouse-button-2 resizes the panes as you move the sash. ---- [TR] - No, the widgets to add to panedwindow must NOT be children of the pane itself (at least it does not say so in the man page). This version work perectly fine: ====== panedwindow .pw -orient vertical label .x1 -text Bapy -fg orange -bg black label .x2 -text Mojo -fg white -bg red .pw add .x1 -minsize 200 .pw add .x2 -minsize 100 pack .pw -fill both -expand yes ====== BUT, the order of window generation is apparently important. This version, where the pane is created after the labels, does NOT work: ====== label .x1 -text Bapy -fg orange -bg black label .x2 -text Mojo -fg white -bg red panedwindow .pw -orient vertical .pw add .x1 -minsize 200 .pw add .x2 -minsize 100 pack .pw -fill both -expand yes ====== The pane will be visible but the labels won't. [LV]: Could this be due to [stacking order]? ** Misc ** ---- [RS] 2006-01-29: Hacking a [Tk] [panedwindow] with [eTcl] on my phone, I wasn't sure whether to arrange panes horizontally or vertically. Well, thought I, let the user decide - took me 4 lines of code, plus the demo below. Right-click on the sash to toggle: ====== proc toggle'orientation w { $w config -ori [expr {[$w cget -ori] eq "horizontal"? "vert": "hori"}] } #-- Demo and usage example: pack [panedwindow .p] .p add [label .p.1 -text Hello] .p add [label .p.2 -text world] bind .p <3> {toggle'orientation %W} ====== **TIP 437: specify sash color** [http://tip.tcl.tk/437] proposes to add options for the sash color, relief and size. The following text should be added to the tip (as tips are not really editable in those days): Francois Vogel, 2015-09-23: : A reference implementation is available in branch '''tip-437'''. For the time being it only deals with the new '''-proxyrelief''' option. Documentation and tests are included. <> Widget | Command | Tk | incr Widgets