====== # overloading of open and close # # rename the "official commands rename open __open rename close __close # rename fconfigure __fconfigure # rename file __file # overloaded open which registers file and fid info # for files proc open { args } { if { [ llength $args ] == 1 } { set args [ lindex $args 0 ] } set fid [ eval __open $args ] set file [ lindex $args 0 ] lappend ::open_files_array(fid,$fid) $file lappend ::open_files_array(file,$file) $fid return $fid } # overloaded close which lets you close a file i.d., # a socket i.d., or all the file i.d.'s associated # with a file name. proc close { args } { if { [ llength $args ] == 1 } { set args [ lindex $args 0 ] } foreach arg $args { set type [ list ] if { [ regexp {^(sock|file)\d+$} $arg -> type ] } { __close $arg } if { [ catch { switch -exact $type { file { set file [ managearray $arg [ fid2file $arg ] ] } sock { } default { set fids [ file2fid $arg ] after 10 close $fids } } } err ] } { return -code error "$arg not found" } } if { [ info exists file ] } { return $file } } # proc file { args } { # your code here! # } # proc fconfigure { args } { # your code here! # } # helper functions # given a fid, return the filename proc fid2file { fid } { return $::open_files_array(fid,$fid) } # given a filename return all open fids proc file2fid { file } { return $::open_files_array(file,$file) } # manage the arrays proc managearray { fid file } { unset ::open_files_array(fid,$fid) set i [ lsearch $::open_files_array(file,$file) $fid ] set ::open_files_array(file,$file) \ [ lreplace $::open_files_array(file,$file) $i $i ] if { ! [ llength $::open_files_array(file,$file) ] } { unset ::open_files_array(file,$file) } return $file } ======