Version 20 of optcl

Updated 2002-11-01 17:43:08

"Open Tcl is a Tcl extension to provide connectivity to the resident host's component model." Farzad Pezeshkpour wrote and maintains it.

[Recommend Leslie Brooks' nice example [L1 ] and commentary ...]

An example:

    # Open Word and read the template for the report.  (The template
    # contains Header and Footer macros that we will use.)
    set word [optcl::new word.application]
    set filename [file join [pwd] "Chapter 5 template.doc"]
    set doc [$word -with documents open $filename]
    # Set the header by running a Word Macro recorded in the
    # template file and passing it the parameters it needs 
    # (System Release, RTP version, and Test Step).
    $word run header "$test_step" "$SR" "$RTP_Version"
    $word run footer "$Operator"    

The template for the header macro is

    Sub Header(TestStep As String, SR As String, RTP As String)
    ' Header Macro
    ' Macro recorded 7/24/01 by Leslie Brooks
    ' Set the Test Step number, the System Release number, and the
    ' RTP version number in the report header.



    End Sub  

Michael Jacobson: Here is some code to display a Microsoft's Internet Explorer ActiveX component in a Tk frame with the IE's scroll bar.

MPJ (5/02) Changed to use ProgId from the registry instead of the CLSID. The CLSID is a string representation of a COM Globally Unique IDentifer (GUID for short). This should make it a little easier to understand instead of the ProgId numbers.

 package require optcl
 wm title . {WebBrowers in Tk with scroll}
 set htm [optcl::new -window .htm Shell.Explorer.2] ;# for MSIE ActiveX Control
 # set htm [optcl::new -window .htm Mozilla.Browser.1] ;# for Mozilla ActiveX Control
 .htm config -width 800 -height 600
 pack .htm -fill both -expand 1
 $htm navigate
 # to view the type information for the control
 pack [button .b  -text "View TypeLibrary for IE container" -command {
                        tlview::viewtype [ optcl::class $htm ]
        } ] -side bottom

Here is the code to do it without the IE's scroll bar. Notice the difference???

 package require optcl
 wm title . {MSIE in Tk without scroll}
 set htm [optcl::new -window .htm {}]
 .htm config -width 800 -height 600
 pack .htm -fill both -expand 1
 # to view the type information for the control
 pack [button .b  -text "View TypeLibrary for IE container" -command {
                        tlview::viewtype [ optcl::class $htm ]
        } ] -side bottom

MPJ A little bigger example is how to play a VCD with Microsoft's MediaPlayer using optcl.

 package require optcl
 wm title . {VCD Document in Tk}
 set vcd [optcl::new -start -window .vcd MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1]
 .vcd config -width 640 -height 480
 pack .vcd -fill both -expand 1
 # put location of VCD file here ... need to make much smarter
 $vcd : filename "E:/mpegav/music01.dat"
 $vcd Play
 # view the loaded activex component
 ## tlview::loadedlibs .tmp2
 #how long the file is
 ## clock format [expr int([clock scan 0]+ [$vcd : duration])] -format %T
 # current position in time
 ## clock format [expr int([clock scan 0]+ [$vcd : CurrentPosition])] -format %T

MPJ Display of the Wiki in a Tk frame is yet another example Michael provides:

 package require optcl
 optcl::new -window .htm {}
 .htm config -width 800 -height 600
 pack .htm

MPJ Display the Calendar control being integrated within a Tk widget. Also see the examples files that come with OpTcl to bind events.

 package require optcl
 optcl::new -window .cal MSCAL.Calendar.7
 .cal config -width 300 -height 300
 pack .cal

See also COM on! - a tiny web browser & WippleWobble - A Mini Web Browser (for Windows)

etdxc I put together some of the commands from other peoples postings (sorry for the duplication) and a bunch of stuff I managed to work out by using the Type Library utility.

Hope it helps someone.



 package require optcl

to view the type information for the control

 pack [button .b  -text "View TypeLibrary for IE container" -command {
     tlview::viewtype [ optcl::class $htm ]
 } ] -side bottom

view the loaded libraries

 tlview::loadedlibs .tmp2

view the type hierarchy

 tlview::viewtype [optcl::class $doc]
 tlview::viewtype [optcl::class $htm]
 tlview::viewtype [optcl::class $cal]
 tlview::viewtype [optcl::class $vcd]


Word Start word

 set word [optcl::new word.application] 

New Document

 set doc [$word -with documents add]

Opens a document

 set doc [$word -with documents open $filename] 

Make Word visible

 $word : visible 1

Make Word invisible

 $word : visible 0

Insert text with formatting

 $word -with selection.font : name "Courier New"
 $word -with selection.font : size 10.0
 $doc -with content : text "Text in Courier 10 point \r"  ;# \r Return ???

Change colour of selected text

 $word -with selection : start 0
 $word -with selection : end 5
 $word -with selection.font : color wdcolorblue
 $word -with selection.font : bold 1

 $word -with selection : end 50000          ;# Move to end of doc
 set end [$word -with selection : end]      ;# Get the size of the doc
 $word -with selection : start $end         ;# Move to end of doc
 $word -with selection.font : name "Courier New"
 $word -with selection.font : size 10.0
 $word -with selection.range : text "Text is 14 point Courier"

 $doc select       ;# Select the text start to end I think

Exit Word

 $word quit

Minmise, Maximise, Restore

 $word : Windowstate wdWindowStateMaximize
 $word : Windowstate wdWindowStateMinimize
 $word : Windowstate wdWindowStateNormal

Page Setup

 set pSetUp [$doc PageSetup]
 $pSetUp : LeftMargin 1.0    ;# sets left margin


 $doc PrintOut               ;# Prints strainght away''
  • Background
  • Append
  • Range
  • OutputFileName
  • From
  • To
  • Item
  • Copies
  • Pages
  • PageType
  • PrintToFile
  • Collate
  • ActivePrinterMacGX
  • ManualDuplexPrint
  • PrintZoomColumn
  • PrintZoomRow
  • PrintZoomPaperWidth
  • PrintZoomPaperHeight

Print Preview

 $word : PrintPreview 1

Print Options

 set pOtions [$word : options]         ;# print options
 $p : PrintProperties 1
 $p : PrintBackground 1
 $p : PrintDraft 1


 set d [$word : Dialogs]
 set dia [$d Item wdDialogFilePrintSetup]
 $dia Execute
 $dia Show

Display the document in powerpoint

 $doc PresentIt

Embed/Display word in IE

 $doc WebPagePreview

Turn on form design toolbar

 $doc ToggleFormsDesign

Email document

 $doc SendMail
 # $doc SendMailer FileFormat Priority      ;# not implemented error

Fax document

 # $doc SendFax Address Subject     ;# Needs Microsoft Lacal Fax

Letter Wizard

 # $doc RunLetterWizard                  ;# untested

Repaginate the document

 # $doc Repaginate                       ;# untested

Remove the documents theme

 # $doc RemoveTheme                      ;# untested

Remove Numbers >?????

 # $doc RemoveNumbers                    ;# untested

Reload as

 # $doc ReloadAs Office.MsoEncoding      ;# untested


 # $doc Reload                           ;# untested

''Send to exchange folder'

 $doc Post    


 # $doc Merge filename                   ;# untested

Data Form ?? Header Record Delimiters

 $doc DataForm

Check Spelling

 $doc CheckSpelling

Check Grammar

 $doc CheckGrammar


 $doc AutoSummarize


 $word Activate

Change the open file path

 $word ChangeFileOpenDirectory "C:/"


 # $word CheckGrammar string               ;# untested
 # $word CheckSpelling lots of args
 # $word CleanString string string
 # $word DDE''cmds''

Activate the helptool (?)

 $word HelpTool

Get the CLSID code

 $word ProductCode

Resize window

 $word Resize $x $y              ;# state needs to be normal or maximised


 $word SendFax                   ;# runs registered fax software

Set Default theme

 # $word SetDefaultTheme  args   ;# untested

'' ShowMe ?????'

 $word ShowMe                    ;# Didn't seem to do anything

Run Word macro with parm

 $word run header "arg" "arg" "arg"
 $word run footer "arg"


 $doc saveas "filename" 6
 # where 6 = format
 #  0 (zero) Word document
 #  1 Document template
 #  2 Text only
 #  3 Text only with line breaks
 #  4 MS-DOS text
 #  5 MS-DOS text with line breaks
 #  6 Rich Text Format (RTF)



for MSIE ActiveX Control

 set htm [optcl::new -window .htm Shell.Explorer.2]
 .htm config -width 800 -height 600
 pack .htm

for Mozilla ActiveX Control

 set htm [optcl::new -window .htm Mozilla.Browser.1]
 .htm config -width 800 -height 600
 pack .htm

Open a web page with scroll bars

 $htm navigate

Without the IE's scroll bar.

 set htm [optcl::new -window .htm {}]

Get the URL of current webpage using IE

 set current_site [$htm : LocationURL]


Play a VCD with Microsoft's MediaPlayer

 set vcd [optcl::new -start -window .vcd MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1]
 .vcd config -width 640 -height 480
 pack .vcd -fill both -expand 1

put location of VCD file here ... need to make much smarter

 $vcd : filename "E:/mpegav/music01.dat"
 $vcd Play

how long the file is

 clock format [expr int([clock scan 0]+ [$vcd : duration])] -format %T

current position in time

 clock format [expr int([clock scan 0]+ [$vcd : CurrentPosition])] -format %T

***************************************************************************** Calendar Control

 optcl::new -window .cal MSCAL.Calendar.7
 .cal config -width 300 -height 300
 pack .cal

Yet another example:

    set ::htm [optcl::new -window $pw.f.html Shell.Explorer.2]
    puts "Currently visible in the browser is '[$htm : LocationURL]'."