Version 3 of oo::define

Updated 2014-03-01 15:14:03 by pooryorick

oo::define ,a built-in Tcl command, changes the definition of classes in TclOO.


oo::define class definitionScript
oo::define class arg arg ?arg ...?

If given as a sequence of args, the definitionScript is created by making a list of those arguments and evaluating that as if it was given as a definitionScript. Supported definitions for use in the definitionScript are:

constructor argList bodyScript
deletemethod name ?name ...?
destructor bodyScript
export name ?name ...?
filter ?methodName ...?
forward name cmdName ?arg ...?
method name argList bodyScript
mixin ?className ...?
renamemethod fromName toName
self subcommand arg ...
self script
superclass className ?className ...?
unexport name ?name ...?
variable ?name ...?


official reference