**onDisplay - run a script after a window is displayed** [bll] 2017-6-30 This code creates a one-time binding for a window on a event without affecting existing bindings. This could be enhanced to fire when both and events have triggered. Is there a better way to create the new enclosing script rather than apply? Instead of having: ====== # wait for the window to display... # this will not do much if the window hasn't displayed yet # if the window has already displayed, there is a small delay. after 100 [list $mywindow yview moveto 1.0] ; # scroll to the end ====== Use: ====== ondisp::onDisplay $mywindow [list $mywindow yview moveto 1.0] ====== ====== namespace eval ondisp { variable vars proc _addBindTag { w tag } { if { [lsearch -exact [bindtags $w] $tag$w] == -1 } { bindtags $w [concat [bindtags $w] $tag$w] } return $tag$w } proc _removeBindTag { w tag } { set b [bindtags $w] set idx [lsearch -exact $b $tag$w] set b [lreplace $b $idx $idx] bindtags $w $b } proc onDisplay { w script } { variable vars set c $vars(ondisp.count) set bt [_addBindTag $w ondisp$c] bind $bt [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {apply {{} { $script ondisp::_removeBindTag $w ondisp$c bind $bt {} }}}] incr vars(ondisp.count) } proc init { } { variable vars set vars(ondisp.count) 0 } init } ====== <>Enter Category Here