Version 1 of neo

Updated 2006-10-06 16:30:37 by suchenwi

namespace ensemble objects - see NEM's Using namespace ensemble without a namespace (in fact, it uses ::). RS hacked together this little candybox as a variation on that page:

 namespace eval neo {variable version 0.1}

 proc neo::new {name _where_ args} {
     set map [dict create]
     foreach {slot = value} $args { dict set map $slot $value }
     namespace ensemble create -command $name -map $map
 proc neo::slot {object slot command args} {
     set map [namespace ensemble configure $object -map]
     dict set map $slot [linsert $args 0 $command]
     namespace ensemble configure $object -map $map
 proc neo::method {object name params body} {
     set params [linsert $params 0 self]
     slot $object $name ::apply [list $params $body ::] $object
 proc neo::const val { return $val }

 interp alias {} neo::config {} namespace ensemble configure

 proc neo::delete name {rename $name {}}

#-- So far for neo the "system", the rest is tests and demos:

 proc rect {canv x0 y0 x1 y1} {
    set id [$canv create rect $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1]
    set obj [neo::new $canv.rect$id where \
                 id     = [list const $id] \
                 coords = [list ::$canv coords $id]]
    neo::slot $obj canvas const $canv
    set obj

 catch {destroy .c} ;# good for repeated sourcing
 pack [canvas .c]
 set r [rect .c 20 20 100 100]
 puts "id = [$r id], coords = [$r coords]"

 neo::slot $r type const "rectangle"
 puts "$r is a [$r type]"

 neo::method $r width {} {
     lassign [$self coords] x0 y0 x1 y1
     expr {abs($x1-$x0)}
 neo::method $r height {} {
     lassign [$self coords] x0 y0 x1 y1
     expr {abs($y1-$y0)}
 puts height:[$r height],width:[$r width]

 neo::method $r area {} { expr {[$self width] * [$self height]} }
 puts "area = [$r area]"
 puts [neo::config $r -map]

Category Object Orientation