[Eric Boudaillier], 2014-02-06: While [msgcat] is designed to work with namespace, the following code allows using [msgcat] in conjunction with [TclOO]. The code is based on msgcat, and add to new commands: * `msgcat::msmsetto`, to define messages translations in a specified ''folder''. * `msgcat::oomc`, to get message inside a method. ====== package require TclOO package require msgcat # This procedure returns the class hierarchy of an object. proc ::msgcat::OOTraversal {class {lvar ""}} { if {$lvar ne ""} { upvar 1 $lvar l } lappend l $class foreach parent [info class superclasses $class] { if {$parent ne "::oo::object" && $parent ni $l} { OOTraversal $parent l } } return $l } # mcmsetto is like mcmset, but with a specified folder instead # of caller namespace. # This allow defining messages associated to a class. proc ::msgcat::mcmsetto {folder locale pairs} { variable Msgs if {![string match "::*" $folder]} { # Relative to current namespace set folder "[uplevel 1 {namespace current}]::$folder" } else { set folder "::$folder" } set length [llength $pairs] if {$length % 2} { return -code error "bad translation list:\ should be \"[lindex [info level 0] 0] folder locale {src dest ...}\"" } set locale [string tolower $locale] foreach {src dest} $pairs { dict set Msgs $locale $folder $src $dest } return [expr {$length / 2}] } # Copy of msgcat::mc, but search in class hierarchy, # then class namespace hierarchy. proc ::msgcat::oomc {src args} { variable Msgs variable Loclist variable Locale # Get object class hierarchy set obj [uplevel 1 self] set class [info object class $obj] set folders [OOTraversal $class] # Add namespace hierarchy set ns [regsub {::[^:]*$} $class ""] if {$ns eq ""} {set ns "::"} while {$ns ne ""} { lappend folders $ns set ns [namespace parent $ns] } foreach ns $folders { foreach loc $Loclist { if {[dict exists $Msgs $loc $ns $src]} { if {[llength $args] == 0} { return [dict get $Msgs $loc $ns $src] } else { return [format [dict get $Msgs $loc $ns $src] {*}$args] } } } } # we have not found the translation return [uplevel 1 [list ::msgcat::mcunknown \ $Locale $src {*}$args]] } namespace eval ::msgcat { namespace export mcmsetto oomc } ====== Here is a simple package: ====== namespace import ::msgcat::* namespace eval MyPkg { # Base class Alpha oo::class create Alpha { method testFooMsg {} { oomc FooMsg } method testBarMsg {} { oomc BarMsg } } # Derived class Beta oo::class create Beta { superclass Alpha } # Another class Gamma oo::class create Gamma { method testFooMsg {} { oomc FooMsg } method testBarMsg {} { oomc BarMsg } } } ====== The messages can be defined in another file (a .msg file), without needing the class to be defined. ====== namespace eval MyPkg { mcmset {} { FooMsg "this is my package foo msg" } mcmsetto Alpha {} { FooMsg "this is the alpha foo msg" BarMsg "this is the alpha bar msg" } mcmsetto Beta {} { FooMsg "this is the beta foo msg" } } ====== And the result: ====== set a [MyPkg::Alpha new] set b [MyPkg::Beta new] set g [MyPkg::Gamma new] $a testFooMsg => this is the alpha foo msg $a testBarMsg => this is the alpha bar msg $b testFooMsg => this is the beta foo msg $b testBarMsg => this is the alpha bar msg $g testFooMsg => this is my package foo msg $g testBarMsg => BarMsg ====== <>msgcat | TclOO