Version 2 of minimal tclhttpd

Updated 2003-10-19 02:02:32

US 6. Oct. 2003

I need a fairly simple http server just to serve plain files. So I reduced the tclhttpd server to load only the following packages:


It turned out, that tclhttpd doesn't run correctly without cgi.tcl, dirlist.tcl and redirect.tcl. Two simple patches to doc.tcl and url.tcl solve this problem:

CMcC interspersed comments and alternative suggestions through these patches

 *** /usr/local/src/tclhttpd3.4.2/lib/doc.tcl   2002-09-15 22:59:35.000000000 +0200
 --- doc.tcl    2003-10-06 14:23:57.000000000 +0200
 *** 624,630 ****
       if {![DocFallback $prefix $path $suffix $sock]} {
         # Couldn't find anything.
         # check for cgi script in the middle of the path
 !      Cgi_Domain $prefix $directory $sock $suffix

 --- 624,634 ----
       if {![DocFallback $prefix $path $suffix $sock]} {
         # Couldn't find anything.
         # check for cgi script in the middle of the path
 !         if {[string compare [info command Cgi_Domain] "Cgi_Domain"] == 0} {
 !          Cgi_Domain $prefix $directory $sock $suffix
 !         } else {
 !          Doc_NotFound $sock
 !         }

This could as easily be achieved with the following code instead of

 package require httpd::cgi                ;# Standard CGI
 Cgi_Directory                        /cgi-bin

in bin/httpdthread.tcl

 proc Cgi_Domain {virtual directory sock suffix} {
        Doc_NotFound $sock

With the advantage of not requiring mainline code mods or runtime tests.

 *** 910,916 ****
         return [DocHandle $prefix $newest $suffix $sock]
 !     if {[Dir_ListingIsHidden]} {
           # Direcotry listings are hidden, so give the not-found page.
           return [Doc_NotFound $sock]
 --- 914,920 ----
         return [DocHandle $prefix $newest $suffix $sock]
 !     if {[string compare [info commands Dir_ListingIsHidden] "Dir_ListingIsHidden"] || [Dir_ListingIsHidden]} {
           # Direcotry listings are hidden, so give the not-found page.
           return [Doc_NotFound $sock]

Similarly, replace bin/httpdthread.tcl

 package require httpd::dirlist                ;# Directory listings


 proc Dir_ListingIsHidden {} {
    return 1

so no directory listing functionality will be provided.

 *** /usr/local/src/tclhttpd3.4.2/lib/url.tcl   2002-08-31 02:06:43.000000000 +0200
 --- url.tcl    2003-10-06 13:28:02.000000000 +0200
 *** 57,63 ****
         # to match the /cgi-bin prefix
         regsub -all /+ $url / url

 !      if {![regexp ^($Url(prefixset))(.*) $url x prefix suffix] ||
                 ([string length $suffix] && ![string match /* $suffix])} {

             # Fall back and assume it is under the root
 --- 57,64 ----
         # to match the /cgi-bin prefix
         regsub -all /+ $url / url

 !      if {![info exist Url(prefixset)] ||
 !                 ![regexp ^($Url(prefixset))(.*) $url x prefix suffix] ||
                 ([string length $suffix] && ![string match /* $suffix])} {

             # Fall back and assume it is under the root

CMcC I like this idea - a minimal tclhttpd. I think, though, that it might be better to define default NOOP procs for some of the procs you're commenting out, so that there's no impost on full tclhttpd installations.

US I don't comment them out, I just check their existance. Full installations should work as before.