Version 5 of math::constants

Updated 2013-08-24 16:25:29 by RLE

[add information about this tcllib math package]

RS 2007-08-20: Luckily, this package follows the glorious tradition of introspection:

 % package require math::constants
 % math::constants::print-constants
 pi = 3.14159265359 = ratio of circle circumference and diameter
 e = 2.71828182846 = base for natural logarithm
 ln10 = 2.30258509299 = natural logarithm of 10
 phi = 1.61803398875 = golden ratio
 gamma = 0.577215664902 = Euler's constant
 sqrt2 = 1.41421356237 = Square root of 2
 thirdrt2 = 1.25992104989 = One-third power of 2
 sqrt3 = 1.73205080757 = Square root of 3
 radtodeg = 57.2957795131 = Conversion from radians to degrees
 degtorad = 0.0174532925199 = Conversion from degrees to radians
 onethird = 0.333333333333 = One third (0.3333....)
 twothirds = 0.666666666667 = Two thirds (0.3333....)
 onesixth = 0.166666666667 = One sixth (0.1666....)
 huge = 1.79763277965e+308 = (Approximately) largest number
 tiny = 9.88131291682e-324 = (Approximately) smallest number not equal zero
 eps = 2.22044604925e-016 = Smallest number such that 1+eps != 1