Version 11 of manipulating a proc with tags

Updated 2005-12-01 17:27:48 by escargo

Thanks AM, I changed it.

I reworked the whole thing some, I think it's a lot more functional now. Got rid of the random id's; now they are specified. I'll leave this here in case somebody likes it, but I think the following is much better.

See lego proc manipulation for the improved version.

Here's what I came up with to create and manipulate parts of a proc's body by setting tags for each part of the body. Setting these tags allows me to split up the list accordingly and treat and change parts like changing list items.


  ##### _pgetid
  # Creates a 10 digit id greater than 0
  proc _pgetid {checklist} {
     set z 0
     while {$z < 1} {
       set y [expr { int( rand() * 9 ) }]
       set w [expr { int( rand() * 9 ) }]
       set r [expr { int( rand() * 9 ) }]
       set b [expr { int( rand() * 9 ) }]
       set g [expr { int( rand() * 9 ) }]
       set l [expr { int( rand() * 9 ) }]
       set p [expr { int( rand() * 9 ) }]
       set d [expr { int( rand() * 9 ) }]
       set q [expr { int( rand() * 9 ) }]
       set s 1
       set n "$y$w$r$b$g$l$p$d$q$s"
       if {[lsearch $checklist $n] < 0} {set z 1}
     return $n

  ###### pinsert
  #  Inserts code at id'd index position and returns the new codes id, id will be 0000000000 -
  # if proc does not exist
  proc pinsert {name index code} {
     set c1 [format %c 1]
     if {![llength [info procs $name]]} {
       set id 0000000000
       set bodylist [list]
       set pargs { }
     } else {
       set idlist [pgetlist $name bodylist]
       set id [_pgetid $idlist]
       set pargs [info args $name]
     set code "\#$c1$id$c1\#\n$code\n\#$c1$id$c1\#"
     set bodylist [linsert $bodylist $index $code]
     uplevel #0 [list proc $name $pargs [join $bodylist \n]]
    return $id

  ###### preplace
  #  Removes or replace id's code 
  # if code is specefied it will have the previous codes id
  # else id is removed as well
  proc preplace {name id {code 0}} {
    set idlist [pgetlist $name bodylist]
    set tmp [lsearch $idlist $id]
    set pargs [info args $name]
    if {$tmp >= 0} {
     if {$code == 0} { 
       set bodylist [lreplace $bodylist $tmp $tmp]
     } else {
       set c1 [format %c 1]
       set code "\#$c1$id$c1\#\n$code\n\#$c1$id$c1\#"
       set bodylist [lreplace $bodylist $tmp $tmp $code]
     uplevel #0 [list proc $name $pargs [join $bodylist \n]]

  ###### pargs
  # Sets the args of a proc
  proc pargs {name parg} { 
    if {[llength [info procs $name]]} { uplevel #0 [list proc $name $parg [info body $name]] } 

  ###### pgetlist
  # 1. It returns a list of all id's in a proc with lindex relative to its code
  # 2. Creates a list to varname with the body of a proc split at prior id's
  # 3. If the proc has no pinsert id's it tags the existing body with 0000000000
  #   This means you can easily refer to the initial code in a proc 
  proc pgetlist {name {varname ""}} {
     set c1 [format %c 1]
     set code [info body $name]
     set tmp [string length [string trim $code]]
     set code [split $code \n]
     set pattern "\#$c1\??????????$c1\#"
     set codepos [lsearch -all $code $pattern]
     if {[llength $codepos] == 0 && $tmp != 0} {
        set id 0000000000
        lappend codepos 0 end
        set code [linsert $code 0 "\#$c1$id$c1\#"]
        lappend code "\#$c1$id$c1\#"
     set codelist [list]
     set idlist [list]
     foreach {start end} $codepos {
        lappend codelist [join [lrange $code $start $end] \n]
        set chunk [lindex $code $start]
        lappend idlist [string range $chunk 2 [expr [string length $chunk] - 3]] 
    if {$varname != ""} { uplevel 1 [list set $varname $codelist] }
    return $idlist

  ############ for debug
  #! DEBUG
    proc proc_view {name} {
      set tmp [split [info body $name] \n]
      set tmpa [info args $name]
      set tmpres "proc $name \{$tmpa\} \{\n"
      foreach {line} $tmp { set tmpres "$tmpres   $line\n" }
      set tmpres "$tmpres\}\n"
      puts "\n############################\n### DEBUG - proc view ###"
      puts "$tmpres\###########################\n"

Functions work almost like the list functions with similar name. Main difference is that code is taged with a 10 digit random id number instead of a list index. If i think of an easy way to maintain ease of use and efficiencty, or if somebody makes a suggestion, I may use some other type of separation id and keep an actual index count like a list. The main problem i saw with this is that when inserting into it causes the other items to change. It would be hard to keep track of what code is where.


  #### LETS TRY IT OUT - create/manipulate "sayit"
  set code(0) {set say "$say IS"}
  set code(1) {set say "$say FUN"}
  set code(2) {set say "$say\."}
  set code(3) {puts "YOU SAY: [string trim $say]"}

  ### these will contain the id tags to locate our code
  set codeID(0) [pinsert sayit end $code(0)]
  set codeID(1) [pinsert sayit end $code(1)]
  set codeID(2) [pinsert sayit end $code(2)]
  set codeID(3) [pinsert sayit end $code(3)]
  pargs sayit {say}
  proc_view sayit
  sayit "TCL"

  ### lets change it
  preplace sayit $codeID(3) {return [string trim $say]}
  puts "- [sayit "THIS"]"
  preplace sayit $codeID(0) {set say "$say ARE"}
  puts "- [sayit "PUPPIES"]"

  ### just a tad more technical
  ## I want to add a word in a specific place,
  ## so i need to get an Index from an ID
  set tmp [pgetlist sayit]
  set x [lsearch $tmp $codeID(1)]
  set codeID(4) [pinsert sayit $x {set say "$say PROCS"}]
  set codeID(5) [pinsert sayit $x {set say "$say TCL"}]
  puts "- I THINK: [sayit "THESE"]"

  ### Removing code
  ##  I realize to do the following i could just proc again, this is just for show
  foreach {id} [pgetlist sayit] {
    preplace sayit $id
  proc_view sayit

  ### lets make it a calculator
  set codeID(0) [pinsert sayit 0 {puts "- $args = [expr $args]"}]
  pargs sayit {args}
  proc_view sayit
  sayit (3 + 3 * 2) * 10

I'm not as familiar with TCL as some of you fellow wikians. Therefor Suggestions and Corrections are well appreciated. Thanks.

- David Myers aka xonecubed

AM Some comments, as I promised:

The series of assignments:

       set y [expr { int( rand() * 9 ) }]
       set w [expr { int( rand() * 9 ) }]
       set r [expr { int( rand() * 9 ) }]

can be made more compact:

      foreach var {y w r ...} { 
          set $var [expr {int(rand()*9)}]

and I do not think it is necessary to use:

    uplevel #0 [list proc $name ...]

The command:

    proc ::$name ...

will give the same effect.

Just a few remarks :)