Version 8 of lpttcl

Updated 2006-12-07 09:21:11

Extension for LPT access on Windows 98/NT/XP/2k/XP, by ZP Engineering srl [L1 ]. The official page for their Tcl products is [L2 ].

This is a reference page for lpttcl; see also Parallel port for a more general introduction.

Download version 3.0 from [L3 ].

Download version 1.0 from [L4 ].

Commands summary

 .... both versions....

 lpt_getba          returns base address of selected LPT 
 lpt_setba <addr>   selects LPT at base address <addr>

 lpt_rddata         returns LPT data register value 
 lpt_rdstat         returns LPT status register value 
 lpt_rdctrl              returns LPT control register value

 lpt_wrdata <val>   writes <val> to LPT data register 
 lpt_wrstat <val>   writes <val> to LPT status register 
 lpt_wrctrl <val>   writes <val> to LPT control register 

 ... only in version 3.0 ....

 lpt_rdreg <offset>        generic register read at (base_address + offset) 
 lpt_wrreg <offset> <val>  generic register write at (base_address + offset)

 lpt_setport <id>   selects LPT<id>, where <id> = 1,2,3,...; 
 lpt_getport        returns 1,2,....

 (lpt_getba returns -1 if lpt_setport points to a non-existing LPT)
 (lpt_setba now accepts a 32-bit value)


Basic startup code

 console show
 wm withdraw .
 load lpttcl

  set ver [package require lpttcl]

  puts [format "LPTTCL, version %s" $ver]
  puts         "---------------------"
  puts [format "Current port: LPT%d" [lpt_getport]]
  puts [format "Base address: 0x%08X" [lpt_getba]]
  puts " "

  puts [format "Data    register:          0x%02X" [lpt_rdreg 0]]
  puts [format "Status  register:          0x%02X" [lpt_rdreg 1]]
  puts [format "Control register:          0x%02X" [lpt_rdreg 2]]
  puts [format "Extended control register: 0x%02X" [lpt_rdreg 0x402]]

and its output on a console:

 LPTTCL, version 3.0
 Current port: LPT1
 Base address: 0x00000378

 Data    register:          0xAA
 Status  register:          0x78
 Control register:          0x0C
 Extended control register: 0x15


Note that in ver. 3.0 you can now perform a quick autoscan of available LPT ports:

  proc LPTscan {{nmax 8}} {
    for {set i 1} {$i < $nmax} {incr i} {
      lpt_setport $i
      if {[lpt_getba] == -1} {
         puts "LPT$i absent"
         } else {
         puts "LPT$i present"

We made some profiling of access speed (when you insert real code in the loop, it goes slower); note that the test is compatible with both versions.

  proc toggle {num} {
  for {set i 0} {$i < $num} {incr i} {
      lpt_wrdata 0x55
      lpt_wrdata 0xAA

  proc getmaxfreq {{ntimes 10000}} {
    set tt [time {toggle $ntimes}]
    scan $tt %i tt
    set mf [expr (2000 * $ntimes / $tt)] ;# 2 writes, expressed in kHz
    puts "Max frequency is $mf kHz"

Some results (using freewrap 5.4, based on Tcl/tk 8.3.5) using getmaxfreq:

  • laptop, P4 M 1.6 GHz, XP prof.: around 130 kHz
  • desktop, P4 2.4 GHz, XP prof.: around 210 kHz

The old version runs faster (around 2,5 times faster on some PCs!!); furthermore, newer tcl versions are slower. As an example, we measured that 8.3.5 (freewrap) is about 20% faster than 8.4.7 (activestate).

meh: Are there any plans for a Linux version of TCL? If not, can anybody refer me to a page showing how to use applicable LPT pins as 'bits' (on/off state, on sends a small voltage, off sends none)