[Richard Suchenwirth] 2000-03-17 -- Want to produce internationalized HTML documents with little effort? Having transliterators from [The Lish family], you can write HTML with embedded foreign language sections (e.g. Arabic) in transliteration like this Germany [ar AlmAnyA] and feed the resulting file through '''lish2html''' below. The resulting file looks like Germany ﺎﻴﻧﺎﻤﻟﺍ Not exactly readable, but the HTML way to express Unicodes. Given a browser that accepts Unicodes (turned on e.g. Netscape 4.6 with View/Character set/Unicodes (UTF-8)) and has a font that contains the wanted characters, bingo! Arabic on your web page. This script substitutes what it can, not only [[..]] calls, but $.. and \u.... as well. When something goes wrong in one source line, that line is sent unchanged to output. ---- #!/bin/sh # -*-Tcl-*- Time-stamp: "lish2html: 2000-03-17,14:36:24 (suchenwi@jaguar)" \ exec tclsh8.3 "$0" ${1+"$@"} # assume the required *lish files are in the same directory as this # modify to anything fancier if needed set this [file join [pwd] [info script]] if ![catch {file readlink $this} res] {set this $res} lappend auto_path [file dirname $this] ;proc usage {} { puts "usage: lish2html \[infile \[outfile\]\] Substitutes *lish phrases to &#nnnn; HTML Unicodes" } ;proc u2html {s} { set res "" foreach u [split $s ""] { scan $u %c t if {$t>127} { append res "&#$t;" } else { append res $u } } set res } ;# RS #------------------------------------ main routine set infile stdin set outfile stdout set argc [llength $argv] if {$argc>2} {usage; exit} if {$argc} { set inname [lindex $argv 0] if {![file readable $inname]} { usage; exit } set infile [open $inname r] if {$argc==2} { set outfile [open [lindex $argv 1] w] } } while {[gets $infile line]>=0} { if [catch {u2html [subst $line]} res] { puts $outfile $line } else { puts $outfile $res } } if {$outfile!="stdout"} {close $outfile} ---- [Category Characters] | [Category Internet] |