Version 4 of link?

Updated 2006-06-02 14:55:48


 # application_runner_&_wrapper.tcl --
 # goldshell7, tcl wiki script on 20060601
 # modified to
 # demo script in Expect 5.21
 # TCL8 distribution, for Win95 use
 # modified to  TCL8 distribution
 #start of deck
 # SCCS: @(#)   1.16 97/03/02 16:25:05

 global filex
 set filex "1"
 global obj; set obj {1}
 global widget; 
    set widget {TEST}

 proc init {argc argv} {


 init $argc $argv

 proc main {argc argv} {
 global widget
 # $widget insert end "forced text"
 .list insert end "end of show!!!"
 .sorted insert end "end of show!!!"

 proc Window {args} {
 global vTcl
    set cmd [lindex $args 0]
    set name [lindex $args 1]
    set rest [lrange $args 2 end]
    if {$name == "" || $cmd == ""} {return}
    set exists [winfo exists $name]
    switch $cmd {
        show {
            if {[info procs vTclWindow(pre)$name] != ""} {
                vTclWindow(pre)$name $rest
            if {[info procs vTclWindow$name] != ""} {
            if {[info procs vTclWindow(post)$name] != ""} {
                vTclWindow(post)$name $rest
        hide    { if $exists {wm withdraw $name; return} }
        iconify { if $exists {wm iconify $name; return} }
        destroy { if $exists {destroy $name; return} }
 proc browse {dir file} {
    global env
    #global file
    global filex
    global dirx
    set filex ""
    set dirx ""
    catch {if {[string compare $dir "."] != 0} {set file $dir/$file }}
   set filex $file
                #exec "\"C:/program files/microsoft office/office/winword\"" $file &
          #exec "\C:\/ ted\ " &
          # exec "ted" &
          #exec [C:\/Program\ Files \
 /Microsoft\ Office/Office/Winword] $file &
 #exec [C:\\Program\ Files\\Microsoft\ Office\\Office\\Winword] $file &
 #.entry01 insert end " "
 # .entry02 insert end " "
 set clipped_directory "2";
 set clipped_directory [file dirname $dir]
 .entry01 delete 0 end

 .entry02 delete 0 end

 #  .entry01 insert end $dir
 .entry01 insert end [file dirname $dir]
 .entry01 insert end [eval file dirname  [eval file dirname $dir]]
 .entry02 insert end $filex

 button .button01 -text APPLICATION -command {C:\/Program\ Files\/Microsoft\ Office\/Office\/Winword}  
 # TCL has long noses for Microsoft
 button .button02 -text EDIT -command \
 {C:\/Program\ Files\/Microsoft\ Office\/Office\/Winword} 

 button .button03 -text EXIT -command {exit} 
 button .button04 -text RESET -command {browse $dir $i} 
  pack .button01 .button02 .button03 \
  entry .entry01 \
       -font   \
 -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* \
     -textvariable $filex -justify left -width 50 -state normal
 label .label02 \
       -text "target directory" -justify center -width 20 
 label .label01 \
       -text "target file" -justify center -width 20 
 entry .entry02 \
       -font   \

-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* \

     -textvariable $filex -justify left -width 50 -state normal
 pack .label01 -side bottom -fill y
 pack .entry01 -side bottom -fill y
 pack .label02 -side bottom -fill y
 pack .entry02 -side bottom -fill y
 # Create a scrollbar on the right side of the main window and a listbox
 # on the left side.

 scrollbar .scroll -command ".list yview"

 listbox .list -yscroll ".scroll set" -relief sunken -width 20 -height 20 \
        -setgrid yes

 pack .list -side left -fill both -expand yes

 listbox .sorted -yscroll ".scroll set" \
      -width 20 -height 20

   pack .sorted -side right

   scrollbar .scrollx -command \
      ".sorted yview"

 pack .scrollx -side right -fill y
 pack .scroll -side right -fill y

 # Fill the listbox with a list of all the files in the directory (run
 # the "ls" command to get that information).
 if {$argc > 0} {
      set dir [lindex $argv 0]
   } else {
      set dir .
   foreach i [lsort [glob * .*]] {
      #.list insert end $i

      .sorted insert end $i
  foreach i [lsort [glob  {\*}]] {

   .list insert end $i

      #.sorted insert end $i

 # Set up bindings for the browser.

 bind all <Control-c> {destroy .}
 bind .list <Double-Button-1> {foreach i [selection get] {browse $dir $i} }

 bind .sorted <Double-Button-1> {foreach i [selection get] {browse $dir $i} }

 main $argc $argv# horoscope pie plotter 
 # loaded on tcl wiki tcl8
 # 2JUn2006, goldshell7
 # end of deck


Category Toys