Version 16 of kwic

Updated 2004-05-20 21:58:09

KeyWord In Context Indexing

If you're looking for the keyword search page, which was "", it's been moved to:

CmCc: Google does this, now you can too ... here's a start in pure tcl [L1 ].

My intention was to replace glimpse [L2 ] which is a really good early KWIC indexer with very low overhead. Glimpse is now proprietary, I don't like the alternatives, so wrote kwic.

The code has a simple command wrapper, but it's realy a Snit class with some interfaces and a filesystem-persistent representation. I intend to write a tclhttpd interface to it, so we can provide search functionality.

Dependencies: Snit, tcl8.4 or later (uses dicts)

I'll write some docco RSN, promise.

AK I remember glimpse. I stopped using it when it started to consistently crash when applied to my mailspool. It got too big for it I guess.

schlenk Nice, wrote a grossly slow indexing package[L3 ] for Tcl once to use with tclhttpd. (Someone needed a fulltext search system and i had an afternoon to code it...) A good working glimpse replacement (especially if it handles dbs larger than 2 Gigs) would be cool.

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