Version 1 of iterate

Updated 2007-10-19 22:02:41 by pn

PN 2007.10.20

This page is dedicated to Knuth sections and

All the routines on this page generate a sequence of objects, so they are all objects of an iterative type.

An iterate type provides for 3 basic functions, init, next and more.

init gets things rolling and returns the first value in the sequence.

next gives you the next value in the sequence or an invalid value

more tells you if the last value you just got with init or next is a valid value or not. Typically a value of an empty list is the standard invalid value, Because all these routines return a sequence of values which mean something in relation to each other, {} is never a valid returned value. However in some cases {{}},the empty set, may be returned.

The iterate command returns a handle to an interative type of the kind that you have requested in the command. There is a seemingly endless variety of these as this page will demonstrate. The handle is it followed by a self appointed number, e.g. 'it4. This handle is an iterative object and is typically invoked in this way:

 set o [iterate ....]
 for {set i [$o init]} {[$o more]} {set i [$o next]} {
    do something with $i
 "type delete" $o

When you are iterating a number of sequences in the same program this form of expression is easier to use than the namespace version. Because they all have the same init, next and more commands, the commands have to be disambiguated by using the object name all the time.

This means that these iterative objects have been implemented in the form of something I call a type. A type consists of a namespace for the object, plus, in the case of these iterative types, the 3 commands implemented as iterative procedures: "$o init", "$o next" and "$o more". To avoid having to use quotes everywhere you use the type create command to make these availbale at a more readable level. The contents of the namespace reamins private. The iterate command uses type create inside it as part of creating the iterative object.

For now I have decided not to have the objects self-destruct when they have completed their tour of duty, just in case the user wants to start them from the begining again. So for now the user is responsible for destroying the objects. You do this using the type delete command as seen above. This deletes the namespace ::$o and the commands "$o *". No command for the handle name $o actually ever exists.

So to start with here are the "type commands". I have decided not to apply type to type itself, though that is totally valid and would make type into a universal metaobject. type create is not used much and is usually hidden inside something else. type delete is easy enough to type the few times you need it. I dont type [type], because everyone has probably got a whole heap of type commands and namespaces of their own they already use.

In TOOT this same [type create] command is used to replace the [unknown] command. This has the effect of making everything potentially typed. I choose not to do this because I like to have more control over what is typed and what isnt. Also I already reuse [unkown] to expand the inital cammand word (instead of compacting the first two words which is the intention of [type create]) to enable currying within lambda expressions. If you try to do both without careful structure you can end up in a curry/type loop.