**Itcl Javascript Objects for Tcl** Objects used for implementing itcl classes and itcl objects. They hold the information needed to describe the itcl class/object ***[ItclClasses js Object]*** Parameters: interp Contains references to all itcl classes/class objects (ItclClass). ***[ItclClass js Object]*** Parameters: interp name full_name class_type Contains information about itcl class methods, variables, types, options etc. ***[ItclCommand js Object]*** Parameters: name class_name func_type protection func params body This is the container an itcl method, same as TclCommand is for Tcl procs ***[ItclFunction js Object]*** Parameters: interp ***[ItclFunctionParam js Object]*** Parameters: interp definition min_args max_args have_args_arg usage default_args Definition of the parameter signature of an itcl method/proc ***[ItclObject js Object]*** Parameters: Interp name class_obj constructor_args Container for an itcl object, contains set of class variables for that object of all classes n inherited classes. ***[ItclOption js Object]*** Parameters: interp A container for an itclextended class option (like a Tk option) with all the information about the name and class of the option, a possible default value, a possible script for cget, configure and validate or a possible variable containing a cget, configure or a validate method ***[ItclVariable js Object]*** Parameters: interp Container for an itcl variable with the possible protection, init value and config script and the type (variable or common) ***[TclItclDict]*** Parameters: interp still a leftover from the time when itcl basics were in Tcl and parsed from Tcl. Nowadays the itcl parsing is implemented in js too (deprecated should possibly be removed, have to check). ***[TclItclHelper]*** Parameters: Interp still a leftover from the time when itcl basics were in Tcl and parsed from Tcl. Nowadays the itcl parsing is implemented in js too (deprecated should possibly be removed, have to check). (Part of [itcl in Javascript Paper]) <>Category Tcl Implementations | Category Language