Version 1 of isbl-parser.peg

Updated 2011-04-02 14:35:17 by jbr
 # This is a [Parser Tools] peg grammar for an [ISBL] like language
 # This peg parser has special annotations in the comments on the 
 # right to associate the rules with template actions that will
 # be evaluated when the AST of the recognosed text is executed.
 # Procedures (or methods) for rules without annotations are provided
 # for each rule individualy.
 PEG isblparser (Phrase)
        Phrase        <- WS Assign  WS EOF /
                   WS TopExpr WS EOF                         ; # action eval

        TopExpr        <- RelExpr                                ;

        RelValue<- "(" WS RelExpr WS ")" / Table        ; # action eval
 leaf:   Table         <- Ident                                ;

        RelExpr        <- Sum                                        ; # action eval

        ProjOp        <- "%"                                        ; # action token
        Tupple  <- ProjOp WS Cols                        ;
 void:         MapOp  <- "->" / "as"                                ;
 leaf:   Column        <- Ident                                ; # action token

        Project        <- Tupple
                 / RelValue WS (ProjOp WS Cols)*        ;
         Cols        <- Col WS (","? WS Col)*                ;
         Col        <-        CFunc
                  /        CMap
                 / "!" WS CDel
                 /        CName
                 /        CAll                                ;
         CFunc <- Name WS "(" WS InArgs? WS "|" WS OutArgs WS ")" WS        ;
 leaf:          InArgs<- ( Value WS ("," WS Value)* ) ?        ; # action token
 leaf:         OutArgs<-   Name WS ("," WS Name)*                ; # action token
 leaf:    CName        <- Ident                                ;
          CMap  <- Expr WS MapOp WS Column                ;
 leaf:    CDel        <- Ident                                ;
 leaf:    CAll        <- "*"                                        ;

        SelOp        <- ":"                                         ; # action token
        Select        <- Project WS (SelOp WS SelExpr)*         ;
 leaf:        SelExpr <- Expr                                        ; # action token

        JoinOp        <- "*"                                         ; # action token
        Join    <- Select WS (JoinOp WS Select)*         ;

        SumOp        <- "+" / "-" / "."                        ; # action token
        Sum        <- Join WS (SumOp WS Join)*                ;

        AssOp   <- "=" / "+=" / "-=" / ":="                ; # action token
        SetOp        <- "*="                                        ; # action token
        Assign        <- Table  WS SetOp WS RelExpr WS "set" WS AssList /
                   Table  WS AssOp WS RelExpr                ;
               AssList<- Update WS (Comma WS AssCol ) ?        ; # action eval
         Update <- Name WS Equ WS Value                        ; # action eval
         Comma  <- ","                                        ; # action token
         Equ    <- "="                                        ; # action token

        RP        <- "("                                        ; # action token
        LP        <- ")"                                        ; # action token

 # These rules are elaborated to enable future tracking of
 # the data type of scaler expressions, but that is not 
 # implimented yet.
 leaf:  VName         <- Ident                                ;
        Value        <- RP WS Expr WS LP / Func / NULL / Real / Int / String / VName         ; # action eval
 leaf:        Func        <- Name RP Args? LP                        ; # action token
        Args        <- Expr ("," Expr)*                        ; # action eval
        StrOp        <- "||"                                        ; # action token
         StrExpr        <- Value    WS (StrOp WS Value)*        ; # action eval
        MulOp        <- "*" / "/" / "%"                        ; # action token
         MulExpr        <- StrExpr  WS (MulOp WS StrExpr)*        ; # action eval
        AddOp   <- "+" / "-"                                ; # action token
         AddExpr        <- MulExpr  WS (AddOp WS MulExpr)*        ; # action eval
        BitOp   <- "<<" / ">>" /  "&" / "|"                ; # action token
         BitExpr        <- AddExpr  WS (BitOp WS AddExpr)*        ; # action eval
        CmpOp   <- "<"  / "<=" /  ">" / ">="
                   "="  / "==" / "!=" / "<>"
                   "IS" / "IS NOT" / "IN" / "LIKE"
                   "is" / "is not" / "in" / "like"
                   "GLOB" / "MATCH" / "REGEXP"
                   "glob" / "match" / "regexp"                ; # action token
         CmpExpr        <- BitExpr  WS (CmpOp WS BitExpr)*        ; # action eval
        AndOp        <- "AND" / "and"                        ; # action token
         AndExpr        <- CmpExpr  WS (AndOp WS CmpExpr)*        ; # action eval
         OrOp   <- "OR"  / "or"                                ; # action token
          OrExpr        <- AndExpr  WS ( OrOp WS AndExpr)*        ; # action eval
              Expr        <- OrExpr                                ; # action eval

 void:  WS        <- <space>*                                ;
 leaf:  String         <- '"' (!'"' .)* '"' /
                   "'" (!'"' .)* "'"                        ;
        NULL        <- "NULL"                                ; # action token
 leaf:  Name        <- Ident                                ; # action token
        Number  <- Real / Int                                ;
        Real        <- Sign? (<ddigit>+)? Frac                     ;
        Int         <- Sign? <ddigit>+                             ;
        Sign    <- '+' / '-'                            ;
        Frac    <- '.' <ddigit>*                        ;

        Ident         <- <alpha>[_A-Za-z0-9]*                        ;

        EOF        <- !.                                ;