Version 22 of inifile

Updated 2006-02-26 22:33:46

This package provides an interface for easy manipulation of Windows INI files

Reference doc can be found at

It is included in the 1.6 distribution of Tcllib.

Would be interesting to have an equivalent for Java properties files (which are like ini files but without sections). The inifile package requires you to have sections to work.

AK: See Tcllib Contribution & Feedback for ways to submit such a feature request.

MHo: IMO this package has some serious disadvantages:

  • A different open mode has to be specified, depending on whether the inifile already exists or not. Why does the package not look by itself if the file exists and choose the appropriate open mode automatically?
  • Accidentely specifying w+ as open mode empties the INI file without a word of warning....
  • Writing a comment for a nonexisting key in a nonexisting section does not lead to an error, but after commit nothing is written back.
  • According to documentation, the sections are written in an arbitrary order and the keys in alphabetical order; this is very bad as INI files are frequently edited by hand too (this is one of the great advantes of inifiles over other methods: they are human-readable. But it's not funny if programmed access to well-commented and hand-designed INIs destroys the layout...). IMO it's absolutely neccessary to keep the existing order in INIs.
  • Names are treated case-sensitively whereas under Microsoft Windows this is almost always not common.
  • Reading a nonexistent key leads to an error. This requires extra logic (use of ::ini::exists) and/or catching. It would be better if one could provide a default-value instead.
  • The INI seems to be locked even if only opened for reading...

There are other packages handling INI-access (don't remember if they are referenced somewhere in this wiki). Perhaps - for the Microsoft Windows platform - it would be a better alternative to use native Win32-APIs (through Ffidl) or TWAPI...

AK: Please see the paragraph above about Tcllib Contribution & Feedback. Pretty please file bug reports and enhancement requests in the proper places. Mho: Ok, but what I mentioned arent't really bugs; I just wanted no note some quick thoughts about the design philosophy of inifile. Meanwhile I studied the Tcllib Contribution & Feedback page...

Category Package from tcllib - Category File