[RS]: The most traditional way of programming, a sequence of instructions to be executed, do this do that do another_thing possibly with jumps (see [GOTO in Tcl]) to other places. Contrasts with [functional programming]. I'm not sure about [OO], where objects are just told what to do... ---- [SS]: Also in [imperative programming] the program is expressed in terms of program state (usually hold into variables), that is modified by statements executed sequentially, with conditional jumps (or more complex form of imperative control structures like [for], [while]). The jump condition is usually about the state of the program. ---- [NEM]: Crudely speaking, imperative programming is about telling a computer ''how'' to do something, whereas [declarative programming] (e.g. functional and logic programming) is about telling a computer ''what'' to do. Examples of imperative programming are things like [Tk] and [OO] (where you construct stateful widgets/objects, and then manipulate them), whereas a common example of declarative programming would be an [HTML] document (which describes the structure of the page, but not how to actually construct the view. At least, in principle...). ---- [Category Concept]