'''images2pdf''' is a command-line utility that uses [pdf4tcl] to store multiple images into a [PDF] file without converting or otherwise processing the image. ** Synopsis ** : '''`images2pdf`''' ?''`option value`''? ?`images` ''`filename`'' ...? ** Options ** '''`outfile`''': The name of the output file. By default, this is derived from '''`outprefix`''' '''`height`''': The maximum height of any page. The default is `-1`, which means the height of each image is used. '''`width`''': The maximum width of any page. The default is 800. '''`image`''': The name of a file containing an image to include. '''`outprefix`''': A prefix to use for any files produced. If not provided, one is chosen. '''`images`''': Must be the last option provided, as it signifies that the remaining arguments are image filenames. ** Description ** [PYK] 2016-03-10: The script on this page inserts [jpeg] and [png] images as-is into a pdf document, without doing any conversion or transcoding. If the images are properly extracted from the PDF document, with `pdfimages -all`, for example, The extracted images will be identical to the original images. Each image is output as an separate page, and the width and height of the page are the width and height of the image. To constrain one or the other, use the '''`height`''' or '''`width`''' options. The image width/height ratio is always preserved. The constraint only reflects how the image is dynamically resized for presentation, not now the image is stored in the PDF file -- which for png and jpg files is always as a bit-for-bit identical copy of the original image. Currently, only [jpeg] and [png] files are supported. Some PDF readers don't provide controls to zoom to a size smaller than the dimensions of the page that contain it, but they do provide controls to magnify the image, so a default value of `800` is a good choice to ensure that the initial image fits into a reasonable display width, while still making it possible to zoom in for greater detail. ** Implementation ** ====== #! /bin/env tclsh package require fileutil::magic::filetype package require pdf4tcl proc main {argv0 argv} { set dims {} set ftypes {} set images {} set orient {} set maxheight -1 set maxwidth 800 while {[llength $argv]} { set argv [lassign $argv[set argv {}] key val] switch $key { outfile { set outfile $val } height { set maxheight $val } image { lappend images $val } images { lappend images $val {*}$argv[set argv {}] } outprefix { set outprefix $val } width { set maxwidth val } default { return -code error [list {unknown option} $key] } } } if {[info exists outprefix]} { while {[file exists $outprefix-[incr outi]]} {} } else { while {[llength [glob -nocomplain [set outprefix [ string repeat 0 [incr outi]]]*]]} {} } pdf4tcl::new mypdf foreach image $images { set ftype [fileutil::magic::filetype $image] if {[string match {JPEG *} $ftype]} { set ftype jpeg } elseif {} { } else { return -code error [list {unknown file type} $ftype] } lappend ftypes $ftype # first run is just to get image dimensions set id [mypdf addImage $image -type $ftype] set width [mypdf getImageWidth $id] set height [mypdf getImageHeight $id] puts stderr [list image $image type $ftype height $height width $width] while {($maxwidth > -1 && $width > $maxwidth) || ($maxheight > -1 && $height > $maxheight)} { set height [expr {$height / 2}] set width [expr {$width / 2}] } lappend dims [list $width $height] } mypdf destroy set imagefiles {} set idx -1 foreach image $images dim $dims ftype $ftypes { pdf4tcl::new mypdf -paper $dim set id [mypdf addImage $image -type $ftype] mypdf putImage $id 0 0 -width [lindex $dim 0] -height [lindex $dim 1] set fname $outprefix-[incr idx].pdf mypdf write -file $fname lappend imagefiles $fname mypdf destroy } if {[llength $imagefiles] > 1} { pdf4tcl::catPdf {*}$imagefiles $outfile if {![info exists outfile]} { set outfile $outprefix-[incr idx].pdf } file delete {*}$imagefiles } else { if {[info exists outfile]} { file rename [lindex $imagefiles 0] $outfile } } } main $argv0 $argv ====== <> pdf