[[Introduce the notion of "idiom".]] ---- [[idiom for procs with optional leading arguments, followed by fixed later arguments] ---- Idiomatic use of [foreach] in place of [lassign]. ---- [vwait] forever ---- args or argv parsing facilitated through use of arrays such as cmdArs(-linemap). Is this from Brent's book? ''RS: Yes, at the beginning of the Pane Manager, 2nd ed.p279'' ---- bind . {console show} ---- The whole area of event programming: [Event programming and why it is relevant to Tcl/Tk programming] ---- When you start to think about megawidgets and/or widget subclassing, consider whether creative use of [tags] is a good [Tk] solution. In many cases, it's enough to "gang" different elements together with tags. ---- [Meta Programming] collects together several distinct, if related, idioms. ---- [static variables] ---- An idiom useful for self-testing source fragments and documentation uses is this one, as formulated in a clt posting by DKF: # Test for running stand-alone *or* in the plugin. Follow an idea # through to its logical conclusion... if {[string equal $::argv0 [info script]] || \ [array exists ::embed_args]} { main } ---- Also see [Nat Pryce]'s "Tcl Programming Idioms" [http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~np2/patterns/tcl/index.html]. ---- [Donal Fellows] is good about reporting errors correctly. More precisely, Tcl programmers often knock together handy little control structures ([repeat], [do while], ...) but frankly leave the error-traceback as a loose end for some indeterminate future clean-up. Donal's [repeat] example [http://www.man.ac.uk/~zzcgudf/tcl/repeat.tcl] shows how to handle tracebacks cleanly. The heart of it is global errorInfo if {[uplevel #0 [list catch $cmd($rid) ::repeat::msg]]} { append errorInfo "\n (\"repeat\" script)" bgerror $msg Stop $rid return } ---- [[Explain Miguel's generalization of 32 to bit-length with self-modifying code in [Binary representation of numbers] as one of several alternatives. regsub-ing a script can be a performance win.]] [[And there's a class of idioms targeted at [Tcl performance], anyway.]] [[I (Miguel) think that [Can you run this benchmark 10 times faster] is also a good example ...]] ---- Constants, globals, and so on: reference especially Bob Techentin's post: "One method that many people use is to declare a global array of related data, which you can then reference in your procs with a single global statement. Like this: array set defaultData { color red filetype text cputime 100 } proc myProc { } { global defaultData if { $defaultData(color) == "green" } { puts "I can't tell the difference between red and green." } }" You can wrap this behavior into a proc, so you don't have to remember to declare the array global all the time: proc const {key} {set ::defaultData($key)} ... if {[const color] == "green"} {...} ;#RS ---- if 0 { Stuff } is an alternative [comment] mechanism. ---- Although old-timers cheerfully manipulate [[info tclversion]], $::tcl_version, [[info glob exp*]] (for [Expect]), and so on, the modern idiom for retrieving version information is foreach package {Tcl Expect ...} { puts "The version is [package provide $package]." } ---- Several people [http://groups.google.com/groups?ic=1&th=d9ede905e2422e6b] have thought about the not-all-root-names-are-OK-for-your-widget-tree quirk. ---- bind . {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} ;# RS - rapid restart after edits ---- ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]