'''[https://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib/doc/trunk/embedded/md/tcllib/files/modules/yaml/huddle.md%|%huddle]''' is a [data format] for representing an [tree%|%ordered tree] in which containers are distinct from [value%|%values]. **See Also** [Alternative JSON] : JSON codec with a similar tagged data format ** Description ** Although the two container formats provided Tcl, [list] and [dict], are homoiconic, they don't provide enough information to distinguish a container from a value. '''Huddle''' provides a [list]-based data format in which values are tagged. Each item is a list where the first value is a tag indicating the type of the second value. Use `addType` add new types. [AK], from [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1970893&group_id=12883&atid=362883%|%Feature request #297 Serialize Helper]: ======none let me try to describe it in my own words. 1. Huddle provides a generic Tcl-based serialization format 2. The entries in that format are tagged with simple type information 3. The currently the known types are 'L' for list, and 'D' for dict ([AMG]: also 's' for string, 'num' for number, 'b' for true/false, and 'null') 4. When converting huddle-notation to other serialization formats like JSON or YAML this type information is used to select the proper notation. 5. And when going from JSON/YAML/... to huddle their notation can be used to select the proper huddle type. 6. In that manner huddle can serve as a common intermediary format. 7. The nice thing about its notation that Tcl can read this format directly (list/dict commands) without the need for a special parser. ====== ** Working Sample ** ====== # create as a dict % set bb [huddle create a b c d] HUDDLE {D {a {s b} c {s d}}} # create as a list % set cc [huddle list e f g h] HUDDLE {L {{s e} {s f} {s g} {s h}}} % set bbcc [huddle create bb $bb cc $cc] HUDDLE {D {bb {D {a {s b} c {s d}}} cc {L {{s e} {s f} {s g} {s h}}}}} % set folding [huddle list $bbcc p [huddle list q r] s] HUDDLE {L {{D {bb {D {a {s b} c {s d}}} cc {L {{s e} {s f} {s g} {s h}}}}} {s p} {L {{s q} {s r}}} {s s}}} # normal Tcl's notation % huddle strip $folding {bb {a b c d} cc {e f g h}} p {q r} s # get a sub node % huddle get $folding 0 bb HUDDLE {D {a {s b} c {s d}}} % huddle gets $folding 0 bb a b c d # overwrite a node % huddle set folding 0 bb c kkk HUDDLE {L {{D {bb {D {a {s b} c {s kkk}}} cc {L {{s e} {s f} {s g} {s h}}}}} {s p} {L {{s q} {s r}}} {s s}}} # remove a node % huddle remove $folding 2 1 HUDDLE {L {{D {bb {D {a {s b} c {s kkk}}} cc {L {{s e} {s f} {s g} {s h}}}}} {s p} {L {{s q}}} {s s}}} % huddle strip $folding {bb {a b c kkk} cc {e f g h}} p {q r} s # dump as a JSON stream % huddle jsondump $folding [ { "bb": { "a": "b", "c": "kkk" }, "cc": [ "e", "f", "g", "h" ] }, "p", [ "q", "r" ], "s" ] ====== ---- Currently, you can get the library at head of tcllib CVS(http://tcllib.cvs.sourceforge.net/tcllib/tcllib/modules/yaml/) that is used to implement YAML library. ** Comments ** [Lars H]: The feature demonstrated in the ''folding'' example strikes me as somewhat dangerous; it seems to imply that you cannot store a string that looks like a huddle inside a huddle without having it interpreted as such and fused with the huddle. I suppose it is by design, and an edge case that "won't happen accidentally in real life", but it's a kind of thing that worries me deeply. To protect against it, one would probably have to put all strings in some kind of string container. [kanryu] 2008-06-10: As pointed out, there is a special meaning to the label "HUDDLE" in huddle objects. It need to be careful to store as a child node. ====== # huddle like string % set hh {HUDDLE {like string}} HUDDLE {like string} # It is not correct % huddle create p q r $hh HUDDLE {D {p {s q} r {like string}}} # It need to wrap the node. % set ff [huddle wrap s $hh] HUDDLE {s {HUDDLE {like string}}} % huddle create p q r $ff HUDDLE {D {p {s q} r {s {HUDDLE {like string}}}}} ====== About the case of being other, there is no assumption of huddle nodes except for possible handling as a node of Tcl-list. Therefore, not only a simple English words but a multi-byte character, binary data, etc. are storable. ----- [dbohdan] 2014-08-02: It's worth pointing out that the `yaml` package uses its own set of huddle type tags that correspond to a subset those in the [http://yaml.org/type/%|%YAML spec]. ====== eltclsh > package req yaml 0.3.6 eltclsh > package req huddle 0.1.5 eltclsh > ::yaml::yaml2huddle [::yaml::huddle2yaml {HUDDLE {L {{s a} {D {b {s c}}}}}}] HUDDLE {!!seq {{!!str a} {!!map {b {!!str c}}}}} eltclsh > tail -n 13 /usr/share/tcl8.5/tcllib-1.15/yaml/yaml.tcl huddle addType ::yaml::_huddle_mapping huddle addType ::yaml::_huddle_sequence huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType string !!str] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType string !!timestamp] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType string !!float] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType string !!int] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType string !!null] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType string !!true] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType string !!false] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType string !!binary] huddle addType [::yaml::_makeChildType plain !!plain] ====== I think using those longer tags actually makes the format more readable for humans. <> Data Serialization Format