Tcl's containers are very simple, but it is not distinguished mutually. Although the advantage on code description also exists, it becomes a big fault at the time of file reading and the beginning. [kanryu] I wrote a sample imprement as a library for internal expression for containers(dict/list). In the trial, It seems that it is operating well although the dump command of JSON form was mounted. ---- namespace eval ::huddler { namespace export create list get gets strip llength keys jsondump } proc huddle {command args} { switch $command { list { return [::huddler::listh {*}$args] } llength { return [::huddler::llengthh {*}$args] } default { return [::huddler::$command {*}$args] } } } proc ::huddler::isHuddler {args} { if {[lindex $args 0] eq "HUDDLE" && [llength $args] == 2} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc ::huddler::create {args} { if {[llength $args] % 2} {error {wrong # args: should be "dict create ?key value ...?"}} set result {} set resultL {} foreach {key value} $args { if [isHuddler {*}$value] { set value [lindex $value 1] lappend result $key $value lappend resultL $key $value set deep 1 } else { lappend result $key $value lappend resultL $key [list s $value] } } if [info exists deep] { set result [_wrap D $resultL] } else { set result [_wrap d $result] } return $result } proc ::huddler::listh {args} { set result {} set resultL {} foreach {value} $args { if [isHuddler {*}$value] { set value [lindex $value 1] lappend result $value lappend resultL $value set deep 1 } else { lappend result $value lappend resultL [list s $value] } } if [info exists deep] { set result [_wrap L $resultL] } else { set result [_wrap l $result] } return $result } proc ::huddler::strip {value} { foreach {head value} $value break switch $head { HUDDLE { return [strip $value] } D { foreach {key val} $value { lappend result $key [strip $val] } return $result } d { return $value } L { foreach {val} $value { lappend result [strip $val] } return $result } l { return $value } s { return $value } default { error "\{$src\} is not a huddler." } } return $value } proc ::huddler::llengthh {src args} { if {![isHuddler {*}$src]} {error "\{$src\} is not a huddler."} return [llength [lindex [lindex $src 1] 1]] } proc ::huddler::keys {src args} { if {![isHuddler {*}$src]} {error "\{$src\} is not a huddler."} return [dict keys [lindex [lindex $src 1] 1]] } proc ::huddler::get {src args} { if {![isHuddler {*}$src]} {error "\{$src\} is not a huddler."} return [_get 0 [lindex $src 1] [llength $args] $args] } proc ::huddler::gets {src args} { if {![isHuddler {*}$src]} {error "\{$src\} is not a huddler."} return [_get 1 [lindex $src 1] [llength $args] $args] } proc ::huddler::_get {strip src len path} { foreach {heads src} $src break if {$len > 1} { set headp [lindex $path 0] set subpath [lrange $path 1 end] incr len -1 switch $heads { D { return [_get $strip [dict get $src $headp] $len $subpath] } d { return [dict get $src $path] } L { return [_get $strip [lindex $src $headp] $len $subpath] } l { return [lindex $src $path] } default { error "\{$src\} is not a huddler." } } } switch $heads { D { return [_strip_wrap "" [dict get $src $path] $strip] } d { return [_strip_wrap s [dict get $src $path] $strip] } L { return [_strip_wrap "" [lindex $src $path] $strip] } l { return [_strip_wrap s [lindex $src $path] $strip] } s { return [_strip_wrap s $src $strip] } default { error "\{$src\} is not a huddler." } } } proc ::huddler::type {src args} { if {![isHuddler {*}$src]} {error "\{$src\} is not a huddler."} return [_type 1 [lindex $src 1] [llength $args] $args] } proc ::huddler::_type {strip src len path} { foreach {heads src} $src break if {$len > 1} { set headp [lindex $path 0] set subpath [lrange $path 1 end] incr len -1 switch $heads { D { return [_type $strip [dict get $src $headp] $len $subpath] } d { return "string" } L { return [_type $strip [lindex $src $headp] $len $subpath] } l { return "string" } default { error "\{$src\} is not a huddler." } } } switch $heads { D { return "dict" } d { return "dict" } L { return "list" } l { return "list" } s { return "string" } default { error "\{$src\} is not a huddler." } } } proc ::huddler::_wrap {head src {striped 0}} { if {$striped} { return $src } else { if {$head ne ""} { return [list HUDDLE [list $head $src]] } else { return [list HUDDLE $src] } } } proc ::huddler::_strip_wrap {head src {striped 0}} { if {$striped} { return [strip $src] } else { return [_wrap $head $src] } } proc ::huddler::jsondump {data {offset ""}} { set nextoff "$offset " switch [huddle type $data] { "string" { set data [huddle strip $data] if [regexp {^true$|^false$} $data] {return $data} return "\"$data\"" } "list" { set inner {} set len [huddle llength $data] for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { set sub [huddle get $data $i] lappend inner [jsondump $sub $nextoff] } return [join [list "\[\n" $nextoff [join $inner ",\n$nextoff"] "\n" $offset "\]"] ""] } "dict" { set inner {} foreach {key} [huddle keys $data] { set val [jsondump [huddle get $data $key] $nextoff] lappend inner "\"$key\": $val" } if {[llength $inner] == 1 && ![regexp {[\n\{\[]]} $array]} { return "{ $array }" } return [join [list "\{\n" $nextoff [join $inner ",\n$nextoff"] "\n" $offset "\}"] ""] } default { return $data } } } ---- !!!!!! 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