Version 27 of hexadecimal conversions

Updated 2002-07-08 06:36:39

[... atoms ...]

[... other pages ...] Based numbers with the special case 'base 16'

    % set hex 3A
    % scan $hex %x decimal
    % set decimal

Decimal to hex:

 format %4.4X $decimalNumber

Notice that the ".4" part gives leading zeroes, and does not have to do with the fractional (right-of-the-point) part of the number.

Character to hex:

 format %4.4X [scan $c %c]

Notice that "[scan $c %c]" only does what one wants with newer Tcl's, those since version 8.3.0+.

mfi: Can someone suggest a pure Tcl replacement for xxd UNIX command (creates a hex dump of a given string)?

RS: Sure enough:

 proc string2hex {string} {
    set where 0
    set res {}
    while {$where<[string length $string]} {
        set str [string range $string $where [expr $where+15]]
        if {![binary scan $str H* t] || $t==""} break
        regsub -all (....) $t {\1 } t4
        regsub -all (..) $t {\1 } t2
        set asc ""
        foreach i $t2 {
            scan $i %2x c
            append asc [expr {$c>=32 && $c<=127? [format %c $c]: "."}]
        lappend res [format "%7.7x: %-42s %s" $where $t4  $asc]
        incr where 16
    join $res \n

See also Dump a file in hex and ASCII

LH: Here's something similar, but speeds things up by using external storage for a character map that is generated one time:

 proc xxd2 {charMapname convertString} {
    upvar $charMapname mycharMap

    #generate a character map for displaying hex equiv of chars [0..127]
    if { 0 == [string length $mycharMap] } {
        # init charmap
        for {set i 0 } { $i < 128 } { incr i } { 
            append mycharMap "[format " \\%03o {%02x }" $i $i ]"

    string map $mycharMap $convertString



 set hexcharMap ""  ;# global variable

 xxd2 hexcharMap "abcdz"           ;# slow, even if initialized

 string map $hexcharMap "abcdez"   ;# much faster

Bob Rashkin I know there are plenty of these around but I wanted something to do a hex analysis without all the overhead of editing:

 proc getFile {} {
 #this is just a file search before the new tk_getOpenFile
    global dirlst dirname filelst flnm
    set dirname [pwd]
    set filelst [glob -directory $dirname *]
    lappend filelst "$dirname/.."
    toplevel .open
    frame .open.up -borderwidth 4
    frame .open.bottom -borderwidth 4
    pack .open.up .open.bottom -side top
    set w .open.up
    listbox $w.hval -height 8 -font {courier 9} -exportselection 1 \
            -yscrollcommand "$w.yscr set"  -listvar filelst \
            -xscrollcommand "$w.xscr set" -width 55
    scrollbar $w.yscr -command "$w.hval yview"
    scrollbar $w.xscr -command "$w.hval xview" -orient horizontal
    pack $w.yscr -side right -fill y
    pack $w.hval $w.xscr -side top -fill x
    bind .open.up.hval <Double-Button-1> {
        set filename [lindex $filelst [.open.up.hval curselection]]
    bind .open.up.hval <Return> {
        set filename [lindex $filelst [.open.up.hval curselection]]

    set u .open.bottom
    entry $u.filen -textvariable filename -width 50
    button $u.opn -text Open -command {
        if [file isdirectory $filename] {
            set filelst [glob -directory $filename *]
            lappend filelst "$filename/.."
        } else  {
            destroy .open
            set flnm $filename
    pack $u.filen $u.opn -side left -padx 8
    bind .open.bottom.filen <Return> {
        if [file isdirectory $filename] {
            set filelst [glob -directory $filename *]
        } else  {
            destroy .open
            set flnm $filename
    focus .open.bottom.filen
 proc closeUp {fid} {
    close $fid
    .top.val delete 0.0 end
 proc doScan {stadd fsz} {
    global fid fid2 val hval flnm tag
        . configure -cursor watch
    set bold "-background #44aaaa -foreground white"
    set normal "-background {} -foreground {}"
    .top.val delete 0.0 end
    if {$fsz == 0} {set fsz [expr {[file size $flnm] -$stadd}]} insert end "Scanning $fsz bytes\n"
    if {$fsz>5000} {
        .top.val insert end "scanning more than 5000 bytes at a time\n" c1
        .top.val insert end "can result in unpredictable behavior\n" c1
    set nlns [expr {$fsz/16}]
    if {[expr {fmod($fsz,16)}]>0} {incr nlns}
    set fid2 [open $flnm r]
    fconfigure $fid2 -translation binary;#<<<<<<<---this is the key statement!
    seek $fid2 $stadd start
    cd [file dirname $flnm]
    set t 0
    set lnadd $stadd
    for {set ln 1} {$ln <= $nlns} {incr ln} {
        set val [read $fid2 16]
        set nbyt [string length $val]
        set fmnum [expr {2*$nbyt}]
        binary scan $val H$fmnum hval;#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<convert to hex
        .top.val insert end "[format %5d $lnadd]: "
        .top.val insert end $hval d$t
        set val [string map {"\t" " " "\n" " "} $val]
        set astr "     "
        set spcs [expr {32-$fmnum}]
        for  {set i 1} {$i<=$spcs} {incr i} {append astr " "}
        append astr "  $val"
        .top.val insert end $astr
        .top.val insert end \n
        lappend dlist d$t
        incr t
        incr lnadd 16
        if [eof $fid2] {set ln $nlns}
    close $fid2
    .top.val tag configure c1 -foreground red
    # Create bindings for tags.
    foreach tag $dlist {
        .top.val tag bind $tag <Any-Enter> ".top.val tag configure $tag $bold"
        .top.val tag bind $tag <Any-Leave> ".top.val tag configure $tag $normal"
        .top.val tag bind $tag <1> "scanBin $tag"
    . configure -cursor arrow
    update      -cursor arrow
 proc scanBin {hxline} {
    global val val1 val2 val3
    .middle.left.hval delete 0.0 end
    .middle.right.hval delete 0.0 end
    set val [.top.val get $hxline.first $hxline.last]
    set val2 [binary format "H32" $val]
    for {set i 0} {$i<=7} {incr i} {
        set val3 [string range $val2 $i $i]
        binary scan $val3 B8 hval;#<<<
        binary scan $val3 H2 val4
        binary scan $val3 c dval
        set dval [expr {( $dval + 0x100 ) % 0x100}]
        .middle.left.hval insert end $val4\t$hval\t$dval\n
    for {set i 8} {$i<=15} {incr i} {
        set val3 [string range $val2 $i $i]
        binary scan $val3 B8 hval;#<<<
        binary scan $val3 H2 val4
        binary scan $val3 c dval
        set dval [expr {( $dval + 0x100 ) % 0x100}]
        .middle.right.hval insert end $val4\t$hval\t$dval\n

 wm title . Binary_Data_Analyzer
 wm deiconify .
 frame .top -borderwidth 4
 frame .middle -borderwidth 4
 frame .bottom -borderwidth 4
 pack .top .middle .bottom -side top
 set w .top
 for {set i 0} {$i<65} {incr i} {append lblstr " "}
 set lblstr [string replace $lblstr 2 5 Addr]
 set lblstr [string replace $lblstr 15 26 "16 Bytes HEX"]
 set lblstr [string replace $lblstr 52 56 ASCII]
 label $w.read2 -text $lblstr -fg blue -font {courier 9}
 text $w.val -height 12 -width 65 -yscrollcommand "$w.yscr set" -font {courier 9}
 scrollbar $w.yscr -command "$w.val yview"
 pack $w.yscr -side right -fill y
 pack $w.read2 $w.val -side top
 set w .middle
 frame .middle.left -borderwidth 4
 frame .middle.right -borderwidth 4
 pack .middle.left .middle.right -side left
 set w .middle.left
 for {set i 1} {$i<=28} {incr i} {append binlbl " "}
 set binlbl [string replace $binlbl 0 2 Hex]
 set binlbl [string replace $binlbl 9 14 Binary]
 set binlbl [string replace $binlbl 21 28 Decimal]
 label $w.scan -text "BinaryScan 0-7"
 label $w.tit2 -text $binlbl -font {courier 9} -fg blue
 text $w.hval -height 8 -width 28 -font {courier 9}
 pack $w.scan $w.tit2 $w.hval -side top
 set w .middle.right
 label $w.scan -text "BinaryScan 8-15"
 label $w.tit2 -text $binlbl -font {courier 9} -fg blue
 text $w.hval -height 8 -width 28 -font {courier 9}
 pack $w.scan $w.tit2 $w.hval -side top
  if {[winfo depth $w] > 1} {
    set bold "-background #43ce80 -relief raised -borderwidth 1"
    set normal "-background {} -relief flat"
  } else {
    set bold "-foreground white -background black"
    set normal "-foreground {} -background {}"

 set w .bottom
 label $w.flbl -text "File name:  "
 entry $w.fent -textvariable flnm -width 42 -font {-size 9 -weight bold}
 button $w.scan -text Scan -width 42 -activebackground white -command  {doScan $stadd $lngt}
 button $w.getf -text File -command {getFile}
 frame $w.add -borderwidth 4
 pack $w.add -side bottom
 pack $w.scan -side bottom
 pack $w.flbl $w.fent $w.getf -side left -padx 6
 set stadd 0
 set lngt 0
 if {$argc>0} {set flnm [lindex $argv 0];set lngt 5000;doScan 0 5000}
 set w .bottom.add
 label $w.stlab -text "start address:"
 entry $w.stent -textvariable stadd -width 8
 label $w.lnlab -text Length:
 entry $w.lnent -textvariable lngt -width 8
 label $w.wrng -text "0=to EOF" -justify left
 pack $w.stlab $w.stent $w.lnlab $w.lnent $w.wrng -side left -padx 6
 bind . <Escape> exit
 bind . <Return> {doScan $stadd $lngt}
 bind .bottom.add.lnent <Button-3> {set lngt [file size $flnm]}
 menu .menu -tearoff 0 
 set m 
 menu $m -tearoff 0 
 .menu add cascade -label "Don't panic" -menu $m -underline 0 
 $m add cascade -label "System" -menu -underline 0 
 $m add cascade -label "General" -menu -underline 0
 $m add cascade -label "Quirks" -menu -underline 0
 set m
 menu $m -tearoff 0
 $m add check -label "Scan button reads in file as HEX and ASCII in  16byte chunks" 
 $m add check -label "If start is not 0, reading starts at the address  specified (in decimal)"
 $m add check -label "If Length is 0, the entire file is read (or to EOF)"
 $m add check -label "Otherwise only (decimal) Length number of bytes is read"
 $m add separator
 $m add check -label "If invoked from the command line, will take filename as argument"
 $m add check -label "   and scan from 0 to 5000"
 $m add separator
 $m add check -label "Move cursor over any line of HEX,"
 $m add check -label "Left click to analyze each byte of highlit line"
 $m add separator
 $m add check -label "The File button opens a listbox to search files"
 $m add check -label "Click Open to return the file to the main window file entry"
 $m add check -label "                or open the indicated directory"
 set m
 menu $m -tearoff 0
 $m add check -label "Requires Tcl/Tk 8.3 or higher"
 set m
 menu $m -tearoff 0
 $m add check -label "Right click in the Length entry to compute file size"
 $m add check -label "Very big files can overflow something (tag array?)"
 $m add check -label ">Not sure what 'very big' is but 5000 bytes or"
 $m add check -label "               fewer at a time certainly works"
 $m add check -label "<Enter> (return) anywhere in the main window is the same as Scan"
 $m add separator
 $m add check -label "<Enter> in the File window listbox brings the selection"
 $m add check -label "              to the entry box"
 $m add check -label "<Enter> in the file entry in the File window is the same as Open"
 . configure -menu .menu

Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming