Version 13 of frink

Updated 2003-03-25 17:56:29

What: Frink

 Description: Program to prettify (like the indent command) your Tcl/Tk
        program.  Frink can format, minimize and/or obfuscate your Tcl code.
        It can take some forms of your code and convert it to use message
        catalogs (used for internationalization).  It applies a variety
        of heuristics to the code to try to detect possible errors.
        Supports only vanilla tcl - not extensions such as tclX, itcl, etc.
        Does however recognize namesapce and interp commands.
        Check the first URL on a regular basis for updates.
        Does not permit commercial use.
 Updated: 06/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]  [Lindsay F. Marshall]

This tool by Lindsay Marshall does Static syntax analysis.

See also "What debugging tools are available to a Tcl programmer" in general.

Frink makes a brief appearance in a column in April 2002 [L1 ].

Note: Be very careful using frink to reformat your source code. Double check the frink results against the original source. It messes up your code every once and a while.

Question: What flags do you find most useful when using frink to check for errors/warnings?

[ Category Application

Category Debugging (=> [Static syntax analysis]) ]