**[AMG]'s [[[dict]]]** [AMG]: Here is a full Tcl 8.4 implementation of [[dict]] that preserves key ordering. This code passes 261 out of the 317 tests in Tcl's dict test suite that existed at time of writing (2014-05-22). A likely-faster implementation based on [[[array]] is found below [http://wiki.tcl.tk/10609#pagetoccb5b2a6e], but it doesn't implement as much of [[dict]] and does not preserve key ordering. I say "likely-faster" because even though my code hasn't been benchmarked yet, it's probably slower than [Anton Kovalenko]'s code due to thorough error checking, the frequent need to canonicalize dicts (remove duplicate keys), and the linear-time algorithms necessitated by the lack of hash tables. ====== # dict.tcl # http://wiki.tcl.tk/10609 # # Tcl 8.4-compatible implementation of the [dict] command. # # Known deficiencies: # - In error messages, the variable name doesn't always appear correctly. This # is due to use of [upvar] which renames the variable. # - Tcl 8.4 offers no way for [return], [break], etc. inside the script to # affect the caller. [uplevel] doesn't quite do everything that's needed. # - Some usage error messages show different names for formal parameters. # - Performance is reduced. # # Test failures (prefix each name with "dict-"): # 3.12 4.5 5.7 9.7 9.8 11.15 12.7 12.8 12.10 # 13.7 13.8 13.9 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.12 14.13 # 14.22 15.9 15.10 15.11 16.8 16.9 16.17 16.18 17.13 # 17.16 17.18 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.13 21.14 21.15 # 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.10 22.14 22.15 23.1 23.2 24.1 # 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.12 24.13 24.20.1 24.21 24.24 24.25 # Only create [dict] command if it doesn't already exist. if {[catch {dict get {}}]} { # Tcl 8.4-style implementation of namespace ensembles. namespace eval ::dict {} proc ::dict {subcommand args} { # Confirm $subcommand is a [dict] command or unambiguous prefix thereof. if {[regexp {[][*?\\]} $subcommand] || [llength [set command [info commands ::dict::$subcommand*]]] != 1} { set commands [string map {::dict:: {}}\ [lsort [info commands ::dict::*]]] if {[llength $commands] > 1} { lset commands end "or [lindex $commands end]" } if {[llength $commands] > 2} { set commands [join $commands ", "] } else { set commands [join $commands] } return -code error "unknown or ambiguous subcommand\ \"$subcommand\": must be $commands" } # Invoke the command. if {[catch {uplevel 1 [concat [list $command] $args]} msg]} { # Rewrite the command name on error. regsub {^(wrong # args: should be \")::(dict)::} $msg {\1\2 } msg return -code error $msg } else { return $msg } } # [dict append] proc ::dict::append {varName key args} { upvar 1 $varName var # Locate the matching key. On match, append to the key's value. if {[::info exists var]} { ::set var [get $var] ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $var]} {::incr i 2} { if {[lindex $var $i] eq $key} { ::incr i return [lset var $i [lindex $var $i][join $args {}]] } } } # On search failure, add the key to the dict. This code also will # create the dict if it doesn't already exist. ::lappend var $key [join $args {}] } # [dict create] proc ::dict::create {args} { if {[llength $args] & 1} { return -code error "wrong # args: should be\ \"dict create ?key value ...?\"" } get $args } # [dict exists] proc ::dict::exists {dictionary key args} { # Traverse through nested dicts searching for matches. ::set sub $dictionary foreach key [concat [list $key] $args] { if {[llength $sub] & 1} { return 0 } ::set match 0 foreach {subkey sub} $sub { if {$subkey eq $key} { ::set match 1 break } } if {!$match} { return 0 } } return $match } # [dict filter] proc ::dict::filter {dictionary filterType args} { # Invoke the correct filter handler. ::set result {} switch $filterType { k - ke - key { # Filter on keys. foreach {key val} [get $dictionary] { foreach pattern $args { if {[string match $pattern $key]} { ::lappend result $key $val break } } } } v - va - val - valu - value { # Filter on values. foreach {key val} [get $dictionary] { foreach pattern $args { if {[string match $pattern $val]} { ::lappend result $key $val break } } } } s - sc - scr - scri - scrip - script { # Filter on script returning true. if {[llength $args] != 2} { return -code error "wrong # args: should be\ \"dict filter dictionary script\ {keyVarName valueVarName} filterScript\"" } elseif {[llength [lindex $args 0]] != 2} { return -code error "must have exactly two variable names" } upvar 1 [lindex $args 0 0] key [lindex $args 0 1] val foreach {key val} [get $dictionary] { if {[uplevel 1 [lindex $args 1]]} { ::lappend result $key $val } } } default { return -code error "bad filterType \"$filterType\":\ must be key, script, or value" }} return $result } # [dict for] proc ::dict::for {keyVarValueVar dictionary script} { if {[llength $keyVarValueVar] != 2} { return -code error "must have exactly two variable names" } # [foreach] does what's needed, mostly. Tcl 8.4 offers no way for # [return], etc. inside the script to make the caller return. uplevel 1 [list foreach $keyVarValueVar [get $dictionary] $script] } # [dict get] proc ::dict::get {dictionary args} { if {[llength $args]} { # When given multiple arguments, traverse nested dicts to find the # requested key. Fail if the key is not found. ::set sub $dictionary foreach key $args { if {[llength $sub] & 1} { return -code error "missing value to go with key" } ::for {::set i [expr {[llength $sub] - 2}]} {1} {::incr i -2} { if {$i < 0} { return -code error "key \"$key\" not known\ in dictionary" } elseif {[lindex $sub $i] eq $key} { break } } ::set sub [lindex $sub [expr {$i + 1}]] } return $sub } else { # With only one argument, convert that argument to a canonical dict. if {[llength $dictionary] & 1} { return -code error "missing value to go with key" } ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $dictionary]} {::incr i 2} { if {[::info exists indexes([lindex $dictionary $i])]} { lset dictionary $indexes([lindex $dictionary $i])\ [lindex $dictionary [expr {$i + 1}]] ::set dictionary [lreplace $dictionary $i [expr {$i + 1}]] ::incr i -2 } else { ::set indexes([lindex $dictionary $i]) [expr {$i + 1}] } } return $dictionary } } # [dict incr] proc ::dict::incr {varName key {increment 1}} { upvar 1 $varName var # Disallow non-integer increments. if {![string is integer -strict $increment]} { return -code error "expected integer but got \"$increment\"" } # Locate the matching key and increment its value. if {[::info exists var]} { ::set var [get $var] ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $var]} {::incr i 2} { if {$key eq [lindex $var $i]} { ::incr i # Disallow non-integer values. if {![string is integer -strict [lindex $var $i]]} { return -code error "expected integer but\ got \"[lindex $var $i]\"" } # Increment the value in place. return [lset var $i [expr {[lindex $var $i] + $increment}]] } } } # On search failure, add the key to the dict. This code also will # create the dict if it doesn't already exist. ::lappend var $key $increment } # [dict info] proc ::dict::info {dictionary} { # Make sure the dictionary is valid. if {[llength $dictionary] & 1} { return -code error "missing value to go with key" } # No hash table. return "dict is represented as plain list" } # [dict keys] proc ::dict::keys {dictionary {pattern *}} { # Build and return a list of matching keys. ::set result {} foreach {key val} [get $dictionary] { if {[string match $pattern $key]} { ::lappend result $key } } return $result } # [dict lappend] proc ::dict::lappend {varName key args} { upvar 1 $varName var # Locate the matching key and append a list element to its value. if {[::info exists var]} { ::set var [get $var] ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $var]} {::incr i 2} { if {$key eq [lindex $var $i]} { ::incr i # Disallow non-list values. llength [lindex $var $i] # Increment the value in place. return [lset var $i [concat [lindex $var $i] $args]] } } } # On search failure, add the key to the dict. This code also will # create the dict if it doesn't already exist. ::lappend var $key $args } # [dict map] proc ::dict::map {keyVarValueVar dictionary script} { # Confirm argument syntax. if {[llength $keyVarValueVar] != 2} { return -code error "must have exactly two variable names" } # Link to local variables which will be used as iterators. upvar 1 [lindex $keyVarValueVar 0] key [lindex $keyVarValueVar 1] val # Accumulate and return the result. ::set result {} foreach {key val} [get $dictionary] { ::lappend result $key [uplevel 1 $script] } return $result } # [dict merge] proc ::dict::merge {args} { # Confirm each argument is a dict. foreach dict $args { if {[llength $dict] & 1} { return -code error "missing value to go with key" } } # Merge the dicts, then normalize. get [eval [list concat] $args] } # [dict remove] proc ::dict::remove {dictionary args} { # Remove all dictionary keys matching any of the key arguments. ::set dictionary [get $dictionary] ::set args [lsort -unique $args] ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $dictionary]} {::incr i 2} { ::set index [lsearch -exact -sorted $args [lindex $dictionary $i]] if {$index >= 0} { ::set dictionary [lreplace $dictionary $i [expr {$i + 1}]] ::set args [lreplace $args $index $index] if {![llength $args]} { break } ::incr i -2 } } return $dictionary } # [dict replace] proc ::dict::replace {dictionary args} { # Confirm correct argument parity. if {[llength $args] & 1} { return -code error "wrong # args:\ should be \"dict replace dictionary ?key value ...?\"" } # Concatenate the dicts then use [get] to canonicalize the result. get [eval [list concat $dictionary] $args] } # [dict set] proc ::dict::set {varName key args} { upvar 1 $varName var # Confirm that a value argument was given. if {![llength $args]} { return -code error "wrong # args:\ should be \"dict set varName key ?key ...? value\"" } # Default the dictionary to empty. if {![::info exists var]} { ::set var {} } # Shuffle the arguments into the right variables. ::set keys [concat [list $key] [lrange $args 0 end-1]] ::set val [lindex $args end] # Traverse through nested dicts to find the key to insert or replace. ::set path {} ::set sub $var ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $keys]} {::incr i} { # Canonicalize each level of nested dicts. lset var $path [::set sub [get $sub]] # Search the current level to see if any keys match. ::for {::set j 0} {1} {::incr j 2} { if {$j >= [llength $sub]} { # On match failure, move the remaining keys into the value, # transforming it into a nested dict, then set that value. ::set j [expr {[llength $keys] - 1}] ::for {} {$j > $i} {::incr j -1} { ::set val [list [lindex $keys $j] $val] } lset var $path [concat $sub [list [lindex $keys $i] $val]] return $var } elseif {[lindex $sub $j] eq [lindex $keys $i]} { # On match success, advance to the next level of nesting. break } } # Descend into the value associated with the matching key. ::incr j ::lappend path $j ::set sub [lindex $sub $j] } # Replace the value of the matched key. lset var $path $val } # [dict size] proc ::dict::size {dictionary} { # Canonicalize the dict and return half its length. expr {[llength [get $dictionary]] / 2} } # [dict unset] proc ::dict::unset {varName key args} { upvar 1 $varName var # Handle the case of the dict not existing. if {![::info exists var]} { if {[llength $args]} { # Fail when unsetting a nested key. return -code error "key \"$key\" not known in dictionary" } else { # Create the dict when unsetting a non-nested key. ::set var {} return } } # Traverse through nested dicts to find the key to remove. ::set keys [concat [list $key] $args] ::set path {} ::set sub $var ::for {::set i 0} {1} {::incr i} { # Canonicalize each level of nested dicts. lset var $path [::set sub [get $sub]] # Search the current level to see if any keys match. ::for {::set j 0} {$j < [llength $sub]} {::incr j 2} { if {[lindex $sub $j] eq [lindex $keys $i]} { break } } # Handle outer and innermost nesting levels differently. if {$i < [llength $keys] - 1} { # In parent levels, search failure is an error. if {$j >= [llength $sub]} { return -code error "key \"[lindex $keys $i]\"\ not known in dictionary" } # Descend into the value associated with the matching key. ::incr j ::lappend path $j ::set sub [lindex $sub $j] } else { # In the innermost level, search failure is acceptable. On # search success, remove the key, otherwise just ignore. if {$j < [llength $sub]} { lset var $path [lreplace $sub $j [expr {$j + 1}]] } # Return the updated dictionary. return $var } } } # [dict update] proc ::dict::update {varName key valVarName args} { # Confirm argument parity. if {!([llength $args] & 1)} { return -code error "wrong # args: should be\ \"dict update varName key valVarName\ ?key valVarName ...? script\"" } ::set script [lindex $args end] # Convert the list of keys and variable names to an array. array set names [concat [list $key $valVarName] [lrange $args 0 end-1]] # Initially unset caller variables. ::set valVarNames {} foreach {key valVarName} [array get names] { lappend valVarNames $valVarName } uplevel 1 [list unset -nocomplain] $valVarNames # Copy the dict values into the caller's variables. upvar 1 $varName dict foreach {key val} [get $dict] { if {[::info exists names($key)]} { upvar 1 $names($key) valVar ::set valVar $val } } # Invoke the caller-supplied script. ::set result [uplevel 1 $script] # If the dict is gone, let it stay gone. Otherwise update it. if {[::info exists dict]} { # Update the dict values from the caller's variables, and remove # keys corresponding to unset variables. ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $dict]} {::incr i 2} { if {[::info exists names([lindex $dict $i])]} { upvar 1 $names([lindex $dict $i]) valVar ::unset names([lindex $dict $i]) if {[::info exists valVar]} { lset dict [expr {$i + 1}] $valVar } else { ::set dict [lreplace $dict $i [expr {$i + 1}]] ::incr i -2 } } } # Add keys back to the dict from the caller's variables, in case the # caller removed some keys directly from the dict. foreach {key valVarName} [array get names] { upvar 1 $valVarName valVar if {[::info exists valVar]} { ::lappend dict $key $valVar } } } # Return the result of the script. return $result } # [dict values] proc ::dict::values {dictionary {pattern *}} { # Build and return a list of matching values. ::set result {} foreach {key val} [get $dictionary] { if {[string match $pattern $val]} { ::lappend result $val } } return $result } # [dict with] proc ::dict::with {varName args} { upvar 1 $varName dict # Confirm a script argument was supplied. if {![llength $args]} { return -code error "wrong # args:\ should be \"dict with varName ?key ...? script\"" } ::set script [lindex $args end] ::set args [lrange $args 0 end-1] # Traverse through nested dicts to find the dict on which to operate. ::set path {} ::set sub [get $dict] foreach key $args { # Canonicalize each level of nested dicts. lset dict $path $sub # Search the current level to see if any keys match. ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $sub]} {::incr i 2} { if {[lindex $sub $i] eq $key} { break } } # Terminate on match failure. if {$i >= [llength $sub]} { return -code error "key \"$key\" not known in dictionary" } # Descend into the value associated with the matching key. ::incr i ::set sub [get [lindex $sub $i]] ::lappend path $i } # Copy the dict values into the caller's variables. Make an array to # keep track of all the keys in the dict. foreach {key val} $sub { upvar 1 $key valVar ::set valVar $val ::set keys($key) {} } # Invoke the caller-supplied script. ::set result [uplevel 1 $script] # If the dict is gone, let it stay gone. Otherwise update it. if {[::info exists dict]} { # Traverse through nested dicts again in case the caller-supplied # script reorganized the dict. ::set path {} ::set sub [get $dict] foreach key $args { # Canonicalize each level of nested dicts. lset dict $path $sub # Search the current level to see if any keys match. ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $sub]} {::incr i 2} { if {[lindex $sub $i] eq $key} { break } } # Terminate on match failure. if {$i >= [llength $sub]} { return -code error "key \"$key\" not known in dictionary" } # Descend into the value associated with the matching key. ::incr i ::set sub [get [lindex $sub $i]] ::lappend path $i } # Update the dict values from the caller's variables, and remove # keys corresponding to unset variables. ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $sub]} {::incr i 2} { if {[::info exists keys([lindex $sub $i])]} { upvar 1 [lindex $sub $i] valVar ::unset keys([lindex $sub $i]) if {[::info exists valVar]} { lset sub [expr {$i + 1}] $valVar } else { ::set sub [lreplace $sub $i [expr {$i + 1}]] ::incr i -2 } } } # Add keys back to the dict from the caller's variables, in case the # caller removed some keys directly from the dict. foreach key [array names keys] { upvar 1 $key valVar if {[::info exists valVar]} { ::lappend sub $key $valVar } } # Save the updated nested dict back into the dict variable. lset dict $path $sub } # Return the result of the script. return $result } } # vim: set sts=4 sw=4 tw=80 et ft=tcl: ====== ---- **[Anton Kovalenko]'s [[[dict]]]** [Anton Kovalenko]: As I like the new [dict] command very much, I want to use it in all my new projects. But I don't want my programs to need tcl 8.5! Here is a pure tcl emulation of [dict] command. [Vince] -- this is very useful indeed. Thanks! ''dict update'', ''dict with'', and ''dict map'' are not yet supported here. Any contributions? ====== # Poor man's dict -- a pure tcl [dict] emulation # Very slow, but complete. # # Not all error checks are implemented! # e.g. [dict create odd arguments here] will work # # Implementation is based on lists, [array set/get] # and recursion if {![llength [info commands dict]]} { proc dict {cmd args} { uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 _dict_$cmd] } proc _dict_get {dv args} { if {![llength $args]} {return $dv} else { array set dvx $dv set key [lindex $args 0] set dv $dvx($key) set args [lrange $args 1 end] return [eval [linsert $args 0 _dict_get $dv]] } } proc _dict_exists {dv key args} { array set dvx $dv set r [info exists dvx($key)] if {!$r} {return 0} if {[llength $args]} { return [eval [linsert $args 0 _dict_exists $dvx($key) ]] } else {return 1} } proc _dict_set {dvar key value args } { upvar 1 $dvar dv if {![info exists dv]} {set dv [list]} array set dvx $dv if {![llength $args]} { set dvx($key) $value } else { eval [linsert $args 0 _dict_set dvx($key) $value] } set dv [array get dvx] } proc _dict_unset {dvar key args} { upvar 1 $dvar mydvar if {![info exists mydvar]} {return} array set dv $mydvar if {![llength $args]} { if {[info exists dv($key)]} { unset dv($key) } } else { eval [linsert $args 0 _dict_unset dv($key) ] } set mydvar [array get dv] return {} } proc _dict_keys {dv {pat *}} { array set dvx $dv return [array names dvx $pat] } proc _dict_append {dvar key {args}} { upvar 1 $dvar dv if {![info exists dv]} {set dv [list]} array set dvx $dv eval [linsert $args 0 append dvx($key) ] set dv [array get dvx] } proc _dict_create {args} { return $args } proc _dict_filter {dv ftype args} { set r [list] foreach {globpattern} $args {break} foreach {varlist script} $args {break} switch $ftype { key { foreach {key value} $dv { if {[string match $globpattern $key]} { lappend r $key $value } } } value { foreach {key value} $dv { if {[string match $globpattern $value]} { lappend r $key $value } } } script { foreach {Pkey Pval} $varlist {break} upvar 1 $Pkey key $Pval value foreach {key value} $dv { if {[uplevel 1 $script]} { lappend r $key $value } } } default { error "Wrong filter type" } } return $r } proc _dict_for {kv dict body} { uplevel 1 [list foreach $kv $dict $body] } proc _dict_incr {dvar key {incr 1}} { upvar 1 $dvar dv if {![info exists dv]} {set dv [list]} array set dvx $dv if {![info exists dvx($key)]} {set dvx($key) 0} incr dvx($key) $incr set dv [array get dvx] } proc _dict_info {dv} { return "Dictionary is represented as plain list" } proc _dict_lappend {dvar key args} { upvar 1 $dvar dv if {![info exists dv]} {set dv [list]} array set dvx $dv eval [linsert $args 0 lappend dvx($key)] set dv [array get dvx] } proc _dict_merge {args} { foreach dv $args { array set dvx $dv } array get dvx } proc _dict_replace {dv args} { foreach {k v} $args { _dict_set dv $k $v } return $dv } proc _dict_remove {dv args} { foreach k $args { _dict_unset dv $k } return $dv } proc _dict_size {dv} { return [expr {[llength $dv]/2}] } proc _dict_values {dv {gp *}} { set r [list] foreach {k v} $dv { if {[string match $gp $v]} { lappend r $v } } return $r } } ====== ---- [AMG]: This code has numerous issues and shortcomings, though many of them are due to being implemented in terms of [[[array]]]. However, some things just baffle me. For example, what's this code supposed to do? ====== foreach {globpattern} $args {break} ====== Why not just say `set globpattern [[lindex $args 0]]`? ---- 28jan04 [jcw] - The "ihash" package in critlib [http://www.equi4.com/critlib/] might be a way to get good performance (from C, i.e. with a Tcl extension, not a core change). See also the [Adding a hashed datatype] page where this extension is described in more detail. ---- [RHS] ''20Sept2004'' I included this code in the .tgz file for [RHS's Bytecode Package]. I wasn't sure who to ask about doing this, but I assumed it was ok, since its on the Wiki and my code is released open source (standard Tclish license). I made a note in the dict.tcl file that the code in that file is not copyrighted to me, and put a link to this page. If my including this file is an issue, let me know and I'll remove it. [AMG]: See [Who owns the content on this Wiki] for more discussion on this subject. ---- **[PS]'s [[[dict update]]]** ''[PS] I created a dict package based on the current (Nov2005) code of Tcl 8.5, which has all the features and most of the performance of the real thing. See the [dict] page, search for 'tclDict' '' Here's an ugly 'dict update' implementation. Any improvements? ====== proc _dict_update {dvar args} { set name [string map {: {} ( {} ) {}} $dvar] upvar 1 $dvar dv upvar 1 _my_dict_array$name local array set local $dv foreach {k v} [lrange $args 0 end-1] { if {[info exists local($k)]} { if {![uplevel 1 [list info exists $v]]} { uplevel 1 [list upvar 0 _my_dict_array${name}($k) $v] } else { uplevel 1 [list set $v $local($k)] } } } set code [catch {uplevel 1 [lindex $args end]} res] foreach {k v} [lrange $args 0 end-1] { if {[uplevel 1 [list info exists $v]]} { set local($k) [uplevel 1 [list set $v]] } else { unset -nocomplain local($k) } } set dv [array get local] unset local return -code $code $res } ====== <> Internals | Command | Data Structure