'''foriter - a loop command''' present ** See Also ** [for in%|%for ... in ...]: a drop-in replacement for [[`[for]`] that supports looping over [Iterator Protocol%|%iterators] [loop]: ** Description ** [Sarnold] 2005-12-13: Typically, when you do some list processing, you can use the [foreach] command which is efficient, but a construct like: ====== for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $mylist]} {incr i} {...} ====== is slow because it has to call [llength] at each iteration. I admit it is not new. So a construct like: ====== for {set i 0;set len [llength $mylist]} {$i<$len} {incr i} {...} ====== would be faster, but less readable as there is a new variable that does not mean anything in the rest of the program. ''[MG]: Can you not just do something like this:'' ====== for {set i 0} "\$i < [llength $myList]" {incr i} {...} ====== ''so that the llength is only evaluated once (at the very beginning), and its result is used in future (for each loop)?'' In [Python], you can get more speed by the range() function (see also [Integer range generator]): ====== for i in range(l.length): # some code ====== I submit a new command called ''foriter'' that mimics Python's functionality: : '''foriter''' ''loopvar'' ?''start''? ''end'' ?''increment''? ''body'' ''loopvar'': the name of a variable (existing or not) that holds the counter ''start'': defaults to 0 ''increment'': defaults to 1 Then, ====== foriter i $start $end $increment $body ====== is equivalent to: ====== for {set i $start} {$i<$end} {incr i $increment} $body ====== Some benchmarks show that it is faster than [for] in many cases. ---- [LV]: So using foriter with the original example: ====== foriter i 0 [llength $mylist] {...} ====== and [[`[llength]`] only executes once, right? [Sarnold] Exactly! And you may even omit the start argument: ====== foriter i [llength $mylist] {...} ====== ---- [KPV]: Two comments: first, calls to [[`[llength]`] are extremely fast, probably just as fast as a variable assignment. Second, I bet that most of the time when a loop goes from `0` to [[`[llength] ...`]] there will be, very early in the loop body, a call to [[`[lindex...]`]. Thus, I believe that the construct that is really needed is a variation on '''foreach''' so that it has a counter variable. [Sarnold] You are right, a '''foreach''' alternative is certainly better. But I still find Python's syntax appealing because it adds sugar. Well, every programmer has been taught the '''for''' syntax early in his/her trainings, but I am *bored* with this syntax because I have to type too much. That is the major reason. ---- Benchmarks : ====== load foriter.dll foreach {nb times} {100 100 1000 10 10000 5} { puts "foriter: $nb increments" puts [time {foriter i $nb {}} $times] puts "for: $nb increments" puts [time {for {set i 0} {$i<$nb} {incr i} {}} $times] } puts OK ====== Results : ======none foriter: 100 increments 168 microseconds per iteration for: 100 increments 225 microseconds per iteration foriter: 1000 increments 1730 microseconds per iteration for: 1000 increments 2115 microseconds per iteration foriter: 10000 increments 16785 microseconds per iteration for: 10000 increments 21354 microseconds per iteration OK ====== ---- ''Here is an implementation in C:'' ''2006-03-14: I updated the command to handle better the errorInfo message'' ======c critcl::ccode { #include } #package provide foriter 1.0 critcl::ccommand foriter {dummy interp objc objv} { int result; /* foriter loop : from start to end-1 increment by do */ Tcl_Obj *obj_body = NULL; Tcl_Obj *obj_counter = NULL; /* the int values of the loop range */ int start = 0; int end; int increment = 1; int sign = 1; int isSharedObjCounter = 0; char errorInfo[64]; memset(errorInfo,'\0',sizeof(errorInfo)); if (objc<4 || objc>6) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "varname ?start? end ?increment? body"); return TCL_ERROR; } if (objc == 4) { result = Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[2], &end); if (result != TCL_OK) { return result; } obj_body = objv[3]; /* the start of the number range */ obj_counter = Tcl_NewIntObj(0); if (obj_counter == NULL) { return TCL_ERROR; } } else { /* the user provided 'start' as 2nd argument, and the 'end' of the range is then the 3rd argument */ /* the start of the number range */ obj_counter = objv[2]; result = Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[2], &start); if (result != TCL_OK) { return result; } result = Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &end); if (result != TCL_OK) { return result; } if (objc == 5) { obj_body = objv[4]; } else { obj_body = objv[5]; } } if (objc == 6) { result = Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[4], &increment); if (result != TCL_OK) { return result; } } /* validation tests of the number range */ if (increment == 0) { /* the increment is zero so there ** will be no iteration */ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj( "cannot increment by zero", -1)); return TCL_ERROR; } if ((end-start) * increment < 0) { /* the iterating range goes the other way than incrementation does */ Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj( "invalid range : an endless loop would occur", -1)); return TCL_ERROR; } /* sign let us iterate upper or lower */ if (increment<0) { sign=-1; } /* the cleanest way to initialize the counter */ if ( Tcl_IsShared( obj_counter ) ) { obj_counter = Tcl_DuplicateObj( obj_counter ); Tcl_IncrRefCount( obj_counter ); isSharedObjCounter=1; } obj_counter = Tcl_ObjSetVar2(interp, objv[1], NULL, obj_counter, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG); if ( obj_counter == NULL ) { return TCL_ERROR; } /* end initialize the counter */ /* please note that a negative increment could be used ** (I wonder if one shall do so ?) ** now, the loop begins */ while (sign*start < sign*end) { /* we are into the loop */ result = Tcl_EvalObjEx(interp, obj_body, 0); if ((result != TCL_OK) && (result != TCL_CONTINUE)) { if (result == TCL_ERROR) { sprintf(errorInfo, "\n (\"foriter\" body line %d)", interp->errorLine); Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, errorInfo); /* when an error occurs, we quit the loop and clean up things like References */ break; } /* when the user breaks the evaluation we have to break out of the loop */ break; } obj_counter = Tcl_ObjGetVar2(interp, objv[1], NULL, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG); if ( obj_counter == NULL ) { return TCL_ERROR; } if ( Tcl_IsShared( obj_counter ) ) { obj_counter = Tcl_DuplicateObj( obj_counter ); Tcl_IncrRefCount( obj_counter ); isSharedObjCounter=1; } result = Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, obj_counter, &start); if (result != TCL_OK) { return result; } start+=increment; Tcl_SetIntObj(obj_counter, start); /* setting the variable */ obj_counter = Tcl_ObjSetVar2(interp, objv[1], NULL, obj_counter, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG); if ( obj_counter == NULL ) { return TCL_ERROR; } } /* ending of the loop */ if ( isSharedObjCounter ) { Tcl_DecrRefCount( obj_counter ); } if (result == TCL_ERROR) { return result; } Tcl_ResetResult(interp); return TCL_OK; } ====== ---- [wdb] my approach is a slower but pure Tcl. The procedure range returns a list of integers or floats which are easy to iterate: ====== proc range {num args} { switch [llength $args] { 0 { set from 0 set to $num set step 1 } 1 { set from $num set to $args set step 1 } 2 { set from $num lassign $args to step } } set result [list ] for {set i $from} {$i < $to} {set i [expr {$i + $step}]} { lappend result $i } return $result } % range 5 0 1 2 3 4 % range 1 6 1 2 3 4 5 % range 1 3 .5 1 1.5 2.0 2.5 % foreach i [range 5] {puts -nonewline "($i) "} (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) % ====== ---- [dkf] 2012-09-15 07:20:33: It could do with someone writing an [NRE]-enabled version for 8.6. OTOH, when I need this sort of thing I mostly do: ====== set idx -1 foreach elem $list { incr idx # Rest of body... } ====== <> Command | Control Structure | Critcl