Version 3 of expect in pure Tcl

Updated 2003-03-07 17:43:33

if 0 {

I had a need to control a serial device with a command-line interface from Windows. expect would be perfect for the job, but expect under Windows is, as of this writing, in an intermediate state of development. I did not want to use the cygwin version of expect. All the same, some kind of send-expect programming interface would make my task simpler.

Therefore, I used the expect man page to inspire the following "quickie" rendition of something expect-like in pure Tcl. It operates on any Tcl I/O channel and does the key part of expect, waiting for a response from the remote side, which may be embedded in stuff we don't care about. It does not do any of the very nice pseudo-tty stuff real expect does, nor does it include a "send" command. Use it with open and puts.

It works by converting its parameters into the parameters for switch, then reads the incoming channel a character at a time, testing the accumulated characters with switch each time.

Corrections, extensions, rewrites, or outright replacement with something better would be welcome. I've never had the pleasure of using genuine expect, so I apologize if I missed something important.

- SCT }

 # qexpect: "quasi-expect" or "quickie expect"
 # Usage:
 #    qexpect channel [pat1 body1] ...
 #    qexpect channel { [pat1 body1] ... }
 # Patterns use glob matching. The special pattern "eof" matches end of file.
 # If a pattern starts with ^, it must match starting with the first character
 # of the input. If a pattern ends with $, it must match ending with the last character
 # received. If it neither begins with ^ nor ends with $, it may match at any point in
 # the incoming character stream.
 # Deficiencies:
 #     - no regexps
 #     - no timeout
 #     - does not use fileevent nor allow the Tcl event loop to run
 # Originally written by Stephen Trier and placed in the public domain, March 2003.

 proc qexpect {channel args} {
     # Accept both a bracketed list and seperate args

     if {[llength $args] == 1} {
         set args [lindex $args 0]

     # Build the switch statement we will use for matching

     set sw {}
     set eofscript {}
     foreach {match script} $args {
         switch -- $match {
             eof {
                 set eofscript $script
             default {
                 if {[string index $match 0] eq "^"} {
                     set before {}
                     set match [string range $match 1 end]
                 } else {
                     set before *
                 if {[string index $match end] eq "\$"} {
                     set after {}
                     set match [string range $match 0 end-1]
                 } else {
                     set after *
                 lappend sw ${before}${match}${after}
                 lappend sw "return \[uplevel 1 [list $script]\]"

     # Gather characters from the stream and run them through our
     # new switch statement.
     # This should be made fileevent-based.

     set text {}
     while {1} {
         append text [read $channel 1]
         switch -glob -- $text $sw
         if {[eof $channel]} {
             return [uplevel 1 $eofscript]

Category Expect