Version 12 of excel xml

Updated 2005-07-13 20:16:02 by escargo

This is a package that creates Excel XML files compatible with Office 2003.

This is the package itself:

   package provide excel 1.0

   namespace eval excel:: {
           variable workbooks 0
           variable workbooksArray
           variable workSheets
           variable workSheetsArray
           variable styles
           variable columnDefault
           variable data
           variable rowCounter 
   proc excel::createWorkbook {} {
   # @comment  create a workbook pointer
   # @result         pointer to created workbook
           incr excel::workbooks
           set workbookName workbook$excel::workbooks
           set excel::workbooksArray($workbookName) 1
           return $workbookName

   proc excel::createWorkSheet {workbook name} {
   # @comment  create a worksheet pointer
   # @argument workbook pointer to a workbook
   # @argument name name of the worksheet
   # @result         pointer to a worksheet
           variable data
           if {[info exists excel::workbooksArray($workbook)]} {
                   if {![info exists ::excel::workSheets($workbook)]} {
                           set excel::workSheets($workbook) 1
                   } else {
                           incr excel::workSheets($workbook)
                   set workSheetName workSheet[string range ${workbook} 8 end].$excel::workSheets($workbook)
                   set data(workSheet,$::excel::workSheets($workbook),name) $name
                   set data(workSheet,$::excel::workSheets($workbook)) $workSheetName
                   set data(workSheet,$workSheetName) 1
                   set excel::rowCounter($workSheetName) 0
                   return $workSheetName
           } else {
                   error "$workbook is not a valid workbook"
   proc excel::createStyle {workbook args} {
   # @comment  create an excel style
   # @argument workbook pointer to a workbook
   # @argument args argument list
   # @result style pointer
           variable data
           if {[info exists excel::styles($workbook)]} {
           incr excel::styles($workbook)
           } else {
           set excel::styles($workbook) 2
           set styleName s$excel::styles($workbook)
           foreach {name value} $args {
   # check that name is valid
                   if {[lsearch "-font -fontcolor -background -bold" $name]==-1} {
                           error "style option $name option is not supported"
                   set data($workbook,styles,$styleName,$name) $value
           return $styleName

   proc excel::setColumnType {workSheet columnIndex type} {
   # @comment define a column type
   # @argument workSheet pointer to a workSheet
   # @argument columnIndex index of column
   # @argument type of column
   # @result  column type is changed
           variable data
           _checkSpreadSheet $workSheet
           set data($workSheet,row,$columnIndex,type) [string totitle $type]

   proc excel::_checkSpreadSheet {workSheet} {
           variable data
           if {![info exists data(workSheet,$workSheet)]} {
                   error "$workSheet is not a valid workSheet"

   proc excel::addRow {workSheet args} {
   # @comment add row to excel worksheet
   # @argument workSheet pointer to a workSheet
   # @argument args list of variables
   # @result row id
           variable data
           set i 0
                   incr excel::rowCounter($workSheet)
                   set data($workSheet,$excel::rowCounter($workSheet),length) [llength $args]
           foreach arg $args {
                   incr i
                   if {[llength $arg]>1} {

                            if {[llength $arg]>2} {
                                   set data($workSheet,$excel::rowCounter($workSheet),$i,style) [lindex $arg 2]
                           set data($workSheet,$excel::rowCounter($workSheet),$i,type) [string totitle [lindex $arg 1]]
                   set data($workSheet,$excel::rowCounter($workSheet),$i,data) [lindex $arg 0]
           return row$excel::rowCounter($workSheet)
   proc excel::asXml {workbook} {
   # @comment returns excel workbook as xml
   # @argument workbook pointer to a workbook
   # @result workbook xml representation
           variable data
           variable rowCounter
           set xml "<?xml version='1.0'?>\
   <?mso-application progid='Excel.Sheet'?>\
   <Workbook xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet'\
   <DocumentProperties xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office'>\
   <Created>[clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ}]</Created>\
   <Company>Xor Technologies</Company>\
   <Style ss:ID='s1'>\
   <Alignment ss:Vertical='Bottom'/>\
   <Font x:CharSet='177'/>\
   if {[info exists excel::styles($workbook)]} {
           for {set d 2} {$d<=$excel::styles($workbook)} {incr d} {
                   set styleName s$d
                   append xml "<Style ss:ID='$styleName'><Alignment ss:Vertical='Bottom'/>"
                   if {[info exists data($workbook,styles,$styleName,-font)] || [info exists data($workbook,styles,$styleName,-fontcolor)]} {
                           append xml "<Font x:CharSet='177'"
                           if {[info exists data($workbook,styles,$styleName,-font)]} {
                                   append xml " ss:FontName='$data($workbook,styles,$styleName,-font)'"
                           if {[info exists data($workbook,styles,$styleName,-fontcolor)]} {
                                   append xml " ss:Color='$data($workbook,styles,$styleName,-fontcolor)'"
                           if {[info exists data($workbook,styles,$styleName,-bold)]} {
                                   append xml " ss:Bold='1'"
                           append xml "/>"
                   if {[info exists data($workbook,styles,$styleName,-background)]} {
                           append xml "<Interior ss:Color='$data($workbook,styles,$styleName,-background)' ss:Pattern='Solid'/>"
                   append xml "</Style>"
           append xml "</Styles>"
           for {set d 1} {$d<=$excel::workSheets($workbook)} {incr d} {
                   append xml "<Worksheet ss:Name='$excel::data(workSheet,$d,name)'>\
   <Table x:FullColumns='1' x:FullRows='1'>"
                   set workSheet $excel::data(workSheet,$d)
                   for {set i 1} {$i<=$excel::rowCounter($workSheet)} {incr i} {
                           append xml "<Row>"
                           for {set j 1} {$j<=$data($workSheet,$i,length)} {incr j} {
                                   if {[info exists data($workSheet,$i,$j,type)]} {
                                           set type $data($workSheet,$i,$j,type)
                                   } else {
                                           if {[info exists data($workSheet,row,$j,type)]} {
                                           set type $data($workSheet,row,$j,type)
                                           } else {
                                                   set type "Number"
                                   set dataValue $data($workSheet,$i,$j,data)
                                   if {[string index $dataValue 0]=="="} {
                                           append xml "<Cell ss:Formula='$dataValue'" 
                                           set dataValue ""
                                   } else {
                                           append xml "<Cell"
                                   if {[info exists data($workSheet,$i,$j,style)]} {
                                           append xml " ss:StyleID='$data($workSheet,$i,$j,style)'>"
                                   } else {
                                           append xml ">"
                                   append xml "<Data ss:Type='$type'>$dataValue</Data></Cell>"
                           append xml "</Row>"
                   append xml "</Table></Worksheet>"
           append xml "</Workbook>"
   proc excel::deleteWorkbook {workbook} {
   # @comment  delete a workbook pointer
   # @argument workbook pointer to a workbook
   # @result undecoded string
           variable data
           for {set d 1} {$d<=$excel::workSheets($workbook)} {incr d} {
                   array unset data $d
                           set workSheet $excel::data(workSheet,$d)
                   for {set i 1} {$i<=$excel::rowCounter($workSheet)} {incr i} {
                           array unset data $workSheet*
                   unset $excel::rowCounter($workSheet)

Usage example:

   # create workbook
   set book [excel::createWorkbook]
   # create worksheets
   set worksheet [excel::createWorkSheet $book "test"]
   set worksheet2 [excel::createWorkSheet $book "hello"]
   # define default row types
   excel::setColumnType $worksheet2 1 number
   excel::setColumnType $worksheet2 2 number
   excel::setColumnType $worksheet2 3 number
   # create style
   set style [excel::createStyle $book -font Arial -background black -fontcolor red]

   # add simple row
   excel::addRow $worksheet 2 1 2 3
   # add row with different style
   excel::addRow $worksheet 2 1 2 [list 4 number $style]
   # add row with formula
   excel::addRow $worksheet 1 2 {=sum(rc[-2]+rc[-1])} 

   # get the excel as xml
   set xml [excel::asXml $book]

escargo 13 Jul 2005 - After correcting a couple of typographical errors and reordering the code so I could read it with wish-reaper, I added a few lines to produce an output file.

 set fd [open "excel[clock seconds].xml" "w"]
 puts $fd $xml
 close $fd

When I tried to read the XML produced at the end of the example, I got errors when I tried to read it with Excel 2003 SP1. The errors were all of the nature:

 if 0 {
     XML ERROR in Workbook Setting
     REASON:        Too many tags
     FILE:        C:\Tcl\src\excel1121284800.xml
     GROUP:        Workbook
     TAG:        Worksheet
     ATTRIB:        Name
     VALUE:        test

The value switched between "test" and "hello" with the pairs of messages appearing four times.

Category Package