This page extends [e: a tiny editor plugin for eTcl] to provide it as a stand-alone package. Apart from packaging correctly, I have done the following (tiny) modifications: * The editor starts automatically on an empty page (controlled by the autostart index in the global array). * The name of the main window is "obfuscated" to avoid obvious name conflicts. * The save procedure uses now a reference to the global array. I think that the previous code was broken since it did not modified dynamically the menu when serially editing several files. Right now, the ActiveSync connection to my borrowed Qtek has stopped working, so I cannot test the code live on top of [eTcl], but I see no reason why this would not work on the mobile device. [EF] ---- package require Tk namespace eval ::pocketeditor { variable g if {![info exists g]} { array set g { autostart on mainwin ".__pe" } } namespace export e } proc ::pocketeditor::e {{name ""}} { variable g if ![winfo exists $g(mainwin)] { toplevel $g(mainwin) text $g(mainwin).t -wrap word -yscr "$g(mainwin).y set" \ -width 37 -bd 2 -undo 1 scrollbar $g(mainwin).y -com "$g(mainwin).t yview" pack $g(mainwin).t $g(mainwin).y -side left -fill y set m [menu $g(mainwin).m] $g(mainwin) config -menu $m m+ $m File Open.. ::pocketeditor::open m+ $m File Save {::pocketeditor::save ::pocketeditor::g(filename)} m+ $m File "Save as.." ::pocketeditor::save m+ $m File --- m+ $m File Eval {eval [$::pocketeditor::g(mainwin).t get 1.0 end]} m+ $m File Clear {$::pocketeditor::g(mainwin).t delete 1.0 end} m+ $m File ok {console eval {raise .; focus -force .console}} foreach i {Cut Copy Paste} { m+ $m Edit $i [list event gen $g(mainwin).t <<$i>>] } m+ $m Edit --- m+ $m Edit Undo {$g(mainwin).t edit undo} m+ $m Edit Redo {$g(mainwin).t edit redo} m+ $m Goto Top {$g(mainwin).t see 1.0} m+ $m Goto Cursor {$g(mainwin).t see insert} m+ $m Goto Bottom {$g(mainwin).t see end} $m add casc -label @ -menu [menu $m.dummy] bind $g(mainwin).t {$::pocketeditor::g(mainwin).m entryconf @* -label @[$::pocketeditor::g(mainwin).t index current]; ::pocketeditor::xx} wm geo $g(mainwin) 240x189+0+25 set ::g(dir) [pwd] } if {$name ne ""} { $g(mainwin).t delete 1.0 end $g(mainwin).t insert end [::pocketeditor::get $name] wm title $g(mainwin) [file tail $name] } raise $g(mainwin) focus -force $g(mainwin).t } proc ::pocketeditor::get name { variable g if [file exists $name] { set f [::open $name] set g(filename) $name ::pocketeditor::K [read $f] [close $f] } else {::pocketeditor::corp $name} } proc ::pocketeditor::K {a b} {set a} proc ::pocketeditor::corp name { set argl {} foreach a [info args $name] { if [info default $name $a def] { lappend a $def } lappend argl $a } list proc $name $argl [info body $name] } proc ::pocketeditor::open {} { variable g e [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $::g(dir)] } proc ::pocketeditor::save {{file_p ""}} { variable g if {$file_p eq ""} { set file [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir $::g(dir)] } else { puts "$file_p" upvar \#0 $file_p file puts "Saving into $file" } if {$file ne ""} { set ::g(dir) [file dir [file join [pwd] $file]] set f [::open $file w] puts $f [$g(mainwin).t get 1.0 "end - 1c"] close $f } } proc ::pocketeditor::m+ {m head label {cmd ""}} { if ![winfo ex $m.m$head] { $m add casc -label $head -menu [menu $m.m$head -tearoff 0] } if {$label ne "---"} { $m.m$head add command -label $label -command $cmd } else {$m.m$head add separator} } proc ::pocketeditor::xx {} { variable g $g(mainwin) config -menu "" $g(mainwin) config -menu $g(mainwin).m } package provide pocketeditor 0.1 if { [string is true $::pocketeditor::g(autostart)] } { ::pocketeditor::e } ---- JHJL 27/01/06: Can you give me a hint how to install this!