This package is useful in cases where you're making a Starkit for a windows-based machine, and your starkit relies on a DLL which in turn relies on other DLLs (e.g. the brick engine dll depends on several SDL dlls in order to function). It copies any DLLs you specify out into a temporary directory and adds that directory to the DLL search path. Use it thus: ::dllfix::setup ''name'' ''source-dll-directory'' ''list-of-dlls'' The "name" argument is used as the prefix for the temporary directory. The source dll directory is a path to where the DLLs are stored. The list of dlls is a list of dlls. If you feel like removing the temp directory, you can call ::dllfix::cleanup to do so. [hat0] ---- ====== # # Copy dependent dlls out to env(temp) and use ffidl to set them to load # first in the DLL search path # package require ffidl ffidl::callout add_dir_to_dll_search_path {pointer-utf8} int [ffidl::symbol kernel32.dll SetDllDirectoryA] namespace eval ::dllfix { namespace export setup cleanup set dlls {} set dllpath {} } # # takes a source and a list of DLLs to copy # proc ::dllfix::setup { name src dll_list } { global env variable dlls variable dllpath # make a probably-unique temp directory for the dlls set dllpath [file join $env(temp) $name-[clock seconds]] if { [catch {file mkdir $dllpath} err] } { return $err } # copy the DLLs foreach dll $dll_list { # try to copy .. if { [catch {file copy -force [file join $src $dll] $dllpath} err] } { # error? clean up any already-copied DLLs and return the error ::dllfix::cleanup return $err } # copied? append to the cleanup list lappend dlls $dll } # and add the dll path to the search path add_dir_to_dll_search_path $dllpath } # # remove any DLLs we've copied into env(temp) # proc ::dllfix::cleanup {} { variable dlls variable dllpath # remove .. file delete $dllpath # and empty the list set dlls {} } package provide dllfix [lindex {Revision: 0.1} 1] ====== <>Category Windows