[AMW] Inspired by [eDictor], today I created a [megawidget] using a ttk::treeview to present the content of a dict. The control will dive as deeply as possible into the data by interpreting it as nested dictionaries whereever possible. If you do not want this interpretation for any node, just press ALT and click the node with the mouse, and it will collapse into a leaf. Click again to show it as a node with childs again. Alternatively, press ALT+Enter to collapse/expand the selected node in this sense. Press ALT+Up/Down to move a node up or down within it's current hierarchy level, or ALT+Left/Right to raise or lower it to the next hierarchy level. Press F2 to edit a node's name, or ALT+F2 to edit it's value (if it is a leaf). '''Example:''' ====== dict set d author "Alexander Mlynski-Wiese" dict set d data "2012-12-21" dictree .t $d pack .t -expand yes -fill both ====== After editing, you can 'reap' the tree to store the content into a dict: ====== set edited_d [.t reap] ====== '''To Do''' * prevent creation of identical-named nodes on same level, as they cannot be reaped into a dict <> dictree.tcl ====== package require Tk package provide dictree 1.0 namespace eval dictree { } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dictree w d # create a treeview widget and fill it with the dict data #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc dictree { w d } { ttk::treeview $w -columns {key value} -displaycolumns value \ -yscroll "${w}.sby set" -xscroll "${w}.sbx set" if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} { ttk::scrollbar ${w}.sby -orient vertical -command "$w yview" ttk::scrollbar ${w}.sbx -orient horizontal -command "$w xview" } else { scrollbar ${w}.sby -orient vertical -command "$w yview" scrollbar ${w}.sbx -orient horizontal -command "$w xview" } entry $w.e set parent "" dict for {key val} $d { dictree::addNode $w $parent $key $val } $w heading \#0 -text "Directory Key(s)" $w heading value -text "Value" grid $w.sby -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns grid $w.sbx -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 dictree::bindings $w rename $w _$w proc $w {cmd args} { set self [lindex [info level 0] 0] ;# get name I was called with switch -- $cmd { reap {uplevel 1 dictree::reap $self $args } default {uplevel 1 _$self $cmd $args} } } return $w } namespace eval dictree { #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # bindings create the bindings for the treeview #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc bindings { w { debug 0 } } { bind $w { dictree::toggle %W [%W identify item %x %y] } bind $w { dictree::toggle %W [%W selection]; break } bind $w { dictree::edit %W [%W selection] "#0" } bind $w { dictree::edit %W [%W selection] "value" } bind $w { dictree::move %W [%W selection] -1; break } bind $w { dictree::move %W [%W selection] 1; break } bind $w { dictree::jump %W [%W selection] 1; break } bind $w { dictree::jump %W [%W selection] -1; break } bind $w { dictree::delete %W [%W selection] } bind $w { dictree::insert %W [%W selection] } bind $w { dictree::insert %W [%W selection] 1 } bind $w { dictree::nopen %W [%W selection] 1 } bind $w { dictree::nopen %W [%W selection] 0 } if { $debug } { bind $w { set item [%W identify item %x %y] puts "%x,%y: %W item $item: [%W item $item]" } bind $w { puts %K } } return $w } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # addNode # recursive proc to fill create and fill the nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc addNode { w parent title d } { set node [$w insert $parent end -text $title] if { [catch { # try to interpret data d as dictionary and create a subnode dict for {key val} $d { addNode $w $node $key $val } } errmsg ] } { # make node a leaf $w set $node value $d } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # collapse # collapse all child nodes and make node $item a leaf #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc collapse { w item } { if { [$w children $item] != "" } { set value "" foreach child [$w children $item] { collapse $w $child lappend value [$w item $child -text] lappend value [$w set $child value] $w delete $child } $w set $item value $value } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # expand # if possible, expand leaf value to child nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc expand { w item } { global errorInfo if { [$w children $item] == "" } { set d [$w set $item value] catch { dict for {key val} $d { addNode $w $item $key $val } $w set $item value "" } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # toggle between collapse / expand #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc toggle { w items } { foreach item $items { if { [$w children $item] != "" } { collapse $w $item } else { expand $w $item } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # move # move node up/down among siblings, i.e. keep parent node #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc move { w item increment } { if { $item == "" || [llength $item] != 1 } { return } set parent [$w parent $item] set index [$w index $item] incr index $increment $w move $item $parent $index } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # jump the hierarchy one level up (left) or down (right) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc jump { w item increment } { if { $item == "" || [llength $item] != 1 } { return } set parent [$w parent $item] if { $increment > 0 } { # raise in the hierarchy, make my grandpa my new parent set grandpa [$w parent $parent] set index [$w index $parent] $w move $item $grandpa [expr $index + 1] $w item $grandpa -open 1 } else { # drop in the hierarchy, make a brother my new parent set index [$w index $item] set brothers [$w children $parent] set brother [lindex $brothers [expr $index-1]] if { [$w children $brother] == "" } { foreach brother $brothers { if { $brother != $item && [$w children $brother] != "" } { break } } } if { $brother != $item && [$w children $brother] != "" } { $w move $item $brother end $w item $brother -open 1 } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # edit node #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc edit { w item column { next "" } } { global dictree if { $item == "" || [llength $item] != 1 } { return } foreach {x y width height} [$w bbox $item $column] {} if { $column == "#0" } { set dictree($w,text) [$w item $item -text] } elseif { [$w children $item] != "" } { return } else { set dictree($w,text) [$w set $item $column] } if { [catch { place $w.e -x $x -y $y -width $width -height $height } ] } { return } $w.e configure -textvariable dictree($w,text) if { $dictree($w,text) == "(new)" } { $w.e selection range 0 end } focus $w.e grab $w.e bind $w.e "dictree::edit_done $w $item $column $next" bind $w.e "dictree::edit_done $w $item {} $next" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # edit_done finish editing #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc edit_done { w item {column "" } { next "" } } { global dictree grab release $w.e focus $w if { $column == "#0" } { $w item $item -text $dictree($w,text) } elseif { $column != "" } { $w set $item $column $dictree($w,text) } place forget $w.e if { $next != "" } { if { $column == "" } { $w delete $item $w selection set $dictree($w,selection) } else { edit $w $item $next } } unset dictree($w,text) catch { unset dictree($w,selection) } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # delete delete node (after confirmation) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc delete { w items } { set count [llength $items] set msg "Do you really want to delete the following " if { $count > 1 } { append msg "$count nodes:\n" } else { append msg "node:\n" } foreach item $items { append msg " [$w item $item -text]" } append msg "?" if { [tk_messageBox -title "Delete nodes" \ -icon warning -message $msg -type yesno] == "yes" } { $w delete $items } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # insert insert & edit new node #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc insert { w item { offset 0 } } { global dictree if { $item == "" || [llength $item] != 1 } { return } set dictree($w,selection) [$w selection] set parent [$w parent $item] set index [$w index $item] set newidx [expr $index + $offset] set node [$w insert $parent $newidx -text "(new)"] $w set $node value "(new)" $w selection set $node edit $w $node "#0" "value" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # nopen node open/close #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc nopen { w items mode } { foreach item $items { $w item $item -open $mode } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # reap # return the content of the treeview as dictionary #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc reap { w { node "" } } { set children [$w children $node] if { [llength $children] == 0 } { set value [$w set $node value] dict set d [$w item $node -text] $value } else { foreach child $children { set value [reap $w $child] if { $node == "" } { lappend d {*}$value } else { dict lappend d [$w item $node -text] {*}$value } } } return $d } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # end of namespace #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "main" function if this module is not used as a library #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if { [info exist argv0] && [info script] == $argv0 } { # read dict from file set h [open [lindex $argv 0] "r"] set d [read $h] close $h # create dictree control: dictree .t $d pack .t -expand yes -fill both } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # end of file #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ====== <> <>Command | GUI | Editors |