Version 5 of dia2kroki

Updated 2022-02-18 15:30:16 by DDG


dia2kroki - convert textual descriptions for various diagram tools to image URL's using the webservice.

# dia2kroki.tcl
proc dia2kroki {text {dia graphviz} {ext svg}} {
    set b64 [string map {+ - / _ = ""}  [binary encode base64 [zlib compress $text]]]
    set uri$dia/$ext/$b64


% source dia2kroki.tcl
% puts [dia2kroki "digraph G { A -> B }"]

This URL can be directly embedded into HTML pages or on Markdown code.

Unfortunately as far as I know Tcler's Wiki can't embed external images without an extension like png, svg etc.

So just the link to the image is shown.

To fix this we have to use the inlinehtml syntax:

<img src=""> </img>.

Here the output:


Here an example for plantuml:

% source dia2kroki.tcl
% dia2kroki {
Bob -> Alice : hello
} plantuml png

Here this image, this time a PNG:


Please discuss here:

DDG - 2022-02-18: The main advantage of this little function is that you can create images without having all these diagram tools installed. You can embed the images directly into your documentation using a simple hyperlink or you can download the images using Tcl with the http and tls libraries or a tool like wget.