By [Artur Trzewik]. [vfs]'s [vfs::zip] currently only supports the ability to read zip archives. I have not found any Tcl library that can create zip archives, so I implemented it by myself. Adding write support to a [vfs] extension is quite a bit more complicated so I have written it separately in [XOTcl]. The code can be also simply ported to pure Tcl. The zip archive should be the same as generated with WinZip. package require XOTcl namespace import xotcl::* Class ZipArchive @ ::ZipArchive idemeta component ZipArchive ZipArchive instproc addFile {inputFile fileName} { # inputFile - source file to archive # fileName - name of file in the archive my lappend files $inputFile $fileName } ZipArchive instproc addToStream {stream fin fout} { my instvar written set offset $written set fdata [open $fin r] fconfigure $fdata -encoding binary -translation binary set data [read $fdata] set datacompresed [string range [::vfs::zip -mode compress $data] 2 end-4] close $fdata binary scan \x04\x03\x4B\x50 I LFH_SIG my writeLong $stream $LFH_SIG incr written 4 my writeShort $stream 20 # java implementation make 8 # but tools (WinZip) leave it 0 my writeShort $stream 0 incr written 4 my writeShort $stream 8 incr written 2 # last mod. time and date set dosTime [my toDosTime $fin] my writeLong $stream $dosTime incr written 4 set crc [::vfs::crc $data] set csize [string length $datacompresed] set size [string length $data] my writeLong $stream $crc my writeLong $stream $csize my writeLong $stream $size incr written 12 # file name length my writeShort $stream [string length $fout] incr written 2 # extra field length set extra "" my writeShort $stream [string length $extra] incr written 2 # file name puts -nonewline $stream $fout incr written [string length $fout] puts -nonewline $stream $extra incr written [string length $extra] set dataStart written; puts -nonewline $stream $datacompresed incr written $csize list $offset $dosTime $crc $csize $size } ZipArchive instproc createFile file { set fout [open $file w] fconfigure $fout -encoding binary -translation binary my createToStream $fout close $fout } ZipArchive instproc createToStream ostream { my instvar files cdOffset cdLength written set descriptionList [list] foreach {fin fout} $files { lappend descriptionList [my addToStream $ostream $fin $fout] } set cdOffset $written foreach {fin fout} $files desc $descriptionList { foreach {offset dosTime crc csize size} $desc {} my writeCentralFileHeader $ostream $fin $fout $offset $dosTime $size $csize $crc } set cdLength [expr {$written - $cdOffset}] # wirte header # EOCD 0X06054B50L scan 0X06054B50L %x s set s binary scan \x06\x05\x4B\x50 I EOCD my writeLong $ostream $EOCD # disk numbers my writeShort $ostream 0 my writeShort $ostream 0 # number of entries set filenum [expr {[llength $files]>>1}] my writeShort $ostream $filenum my writeShort $ostream $filenum # length and location of CD my writeLong $ostream $cdLength my writeLong $ostream $cdOffset # zip file comment set comment "" # comment lenght my writeShort $ostream [string bytelength $comment] puts -nonewline $ostream $comment } ZipArchive instproc init {} { my set files [list] package require vfslib my instvar cdLength cdOffset written set cdLength 0 set cdOffset 0 set written 0 } ZipArchive instproc toDosTime file { set sec [file mtime $file] foreach {year month day hour minute secound} [clock format $sec -format "%Y %m %e %k %M %S"] {} set month [string trimleft $month 0] set year [string trimleft $year 0] if {$minute eq ""} { set minute 0 } set secound [string trimleft $secound 0] if {$secound eq ""} { set secound 0 } set value [expr (($year - 1980) << 25) | ($month << 21) | ($day << 16) | ($hour << 11) | ($minute << 5) | ($secound >> 1)] return $value } ZipArchive instproc writeCentralFileHeader {ostream fin fout offset dosTime size csize crc} { my instvar written # CFH 0X02014B50L binary scan \x02\x01\x4B\x50 I CFH_SIG my writeLong $ostream $CFH_SIG incr written 4 if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} { # unix set pid 5 } else { # windows set pid 11 } my writeShort $ostream [expr { (($pid << 8) | 20)}] incr written 2 # version needed to extract # general purpose bit flag my writeShort $ostream 20 my writeShort $ostream 0 incr written 4 # compression method my writeShort $ostream 8 incr written 2 # last mod. time and date my writeLong $ostream $dosTime incr written 4 # CRC # compressed length # uncompressed length my writeLong $ostream $crc my writeLong $ostream $csize my writeLong $ostream $size incr written 12; set comment "" set extra "" # file name length my writeShort $ostream [string bytelength $fout] incr written 2; # extra field length my writeShort $ostream [string bytelength $extra] incr written 2; # file comment length my writeShort $ostream [string bytelength $comment] incr written 2; # disk number start my writeShort $ostream 0 incr written 2 # internal file attributes my writeShort $ostream 0 incr written 2 # external file attributes my writeLong $ostream 0 incr written 4 # relative offset of LFH my writeLong $ostream $offset incr written 4 # file name puts -nonewline $ostream $fout incr written [string bytelength $fout] # extra field puts -nonewline $ostream $extra incr written [string bytelength $extra] # file comment puts -nonewline $ostream $comment incr written [string bytelength $comment] } ZipArchive instproc writeLong {stream short} { puts -nonewline $stream [binary format i $short] } ZipArchive instproc writeShort {stream short} { puts -nonewline $stream [binary format s $short] } ZipArchive proc createZip {zipFile files} { set zipArch [my new] foreach f $files { $zipArch addFile $f [file tail $f] } $zipArch createFile $zipFile $zipArch destroy } ZipArchive proc testZip {} { my createZip {C:/tmp/} {C:/tmp/test.txt C:/tmp/test2.txt C:/tmp/} # ZipArchive dumpFile {C:/tmp/} # ZipArchive dumpFile {C:/tmp/} } ---- requires vfslib '''Usage''' as in class method '''createZip''' set zipArch [ZipArchive new] foreach f $files { $zipArch addFile $f [file tail $f] } $zipArch createFile $zipFile $zipArch destroy ---- [PT] 23-Jan-2009: Now that [zlib] functions are part of the core I'm working to make it simple to create jar-style Tcl archives currently known as [zipkit]s. The following code is a tcl program to construct a zip archive from a directory tree using nothing but Tcl 8.6 core features. The resulting zip file should be compatible with other zip programs - with the possible exception of unicode support. The Tcl generated files use utf-8 encoding for all filenames and comments but I notice particularly on Windows info-zip has rather poor support for this part of the ZIP file specification. If you use ''mkzip -zipkit -directory mystuff.vfs'' it will pack your mystuff.vfs/ virtual filesystem tree into a zip archive with a suitable header such that on unix you may mark it executable and it should run with tclkit. Or you can run it with tclsh or wish 8.6 if you like. To change the executable header, specify ''-runtime preface'' where ''preface'' is a file containing code you want prefixed. For instance, on windows you can create a self-extracting zip archive using ''mkzip mystuff.exe -directory mystuff.vfs -runtime unzipsfx.exe'' (unzipsfx is the Info-Zip self-extracting stub). === # mkzip.tcl -- Copyright (C) 2009 Pat Thoyts # # Create ZIP archives in Tcl. # # package require Tcl 8.6 namespace eval zip {} # zip::timet_to_dos # # Convert a unix timestamp into a DOS timestamp for ZIP times. # # DOS timestamps are 32 bits split into bit regions as follows: # 24 16 8 0 # +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|m| |m|m|m|d|d|d|d|d| |h|h|h|h|h|m|m|m| |m|m|m|s|s|s|s|s| # +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ # proc zip::timet_to_dos {time_t} { set s [clock format $time_t -format {%Y %m %e %k %M %S}] scan $s {%d %d %d %d %d %d} year month day hour min sec expr {(($year-1980) << 25) | ($month << 21) | ($day << 16) | ($hour << 11) | ($min << 5) | ($sec >> 1)} } # zip::pop -- # # Pop an element from a list # proc zip::pop {varname {nth 0}} { upvar $varname args set r [lindex $args $nth] set args [lreplace $args $nth $nth] return $r } # zip::walk -- # # Walk a directory tree rooted at 'path'. The excludes list can be # a set of glob expressions to match against files and to avoid. # The match arg is internal. # eg: walk library {CVS/* *~ .#*} to exclude CVS and emacs cruft. # proc zip::walk {path {excludes ""} {match *}} { set result {} set files [glob -nocomplain -types f -directory $path $match] foreach file $files { set excluded 0 foreach glob $excludes { if {[string match $glob $file]} { set excluded 1 break } } if {!$excluded} {lappend result $file} } foreach dir [glob -nocomplain -types d -directory $path $match] { set subdir [walk $dir $excludes $match] if {[llength $subdir]>0} { set result [concat $result $dir $subdir] } } return $result } # zip::mkzipfile -- # # Add a single file to a zip archive. The zipchan channel should # already be open and binary. You may provide a comment for the file # The return value is the central directory record that will need # to be used when finalizing the zip archive. # proc zip::mkzipfile {zipchan path {comment ""}} { set size [file size $path] set mtime [timet_to_dos [file mtime $path]] set utfpath [encoding convertto utf-8 $path] set utfcomment [encoding convertto utf-8 $comment] set flags [expr {(1<<10)}] ;# use utf-8 set method 0 ;# store 0, deflate 8 set attr 0 ;# text or binary (default binary) set extra "" set crc 0 set csize 0 set version 20 set data "" if {[file isdirectory $path]} { set size 0 set attrex 0x41ff0010 ;# 0o040777 (drwxrwxrwx) } elseif {[file executable $path]} { set attrex 0x81ff0000 ;# 0o100777 (-rwxrwxrwx) } else { set attrex 0x81b60000 ;# 0o100666 (-rw-rw-rw-) if {[file extension $path] eq ".tcl"} { set attr 1 ;# text } } if {[file isfile $path]} { set fin [open $path rb] set data [read $fin] set crc [zlib crc32 $data] set cdata [zlib deflate $data] if {[string length $cdata] < $size} { set method 8 set data $cdata } close $fin set csize [string length $data] } set local [binary format a4sssiiiiss PK\03\04 \ $version $flags $method $mtime $crc $csize $size \ [string length $utfpath] [string length $extra]] append local $utfpath $extra set offset [tell $zipchan] puts -nonewline $zipchan $local puts -nonewline $zipchan $data set hdr [binary format a4ssssiiiisssssii PK\01\02 0x0317 \ $version $flags $method $mtime $crc $csize $size \ [string length $utfpath] [string length $extra]\ [string length $utfcomment] 0 $attr $attrex $offset] append hdr $utfpath $extra $utfcomment return $hdr } # zip::mkzip -- # # Create a zip archive in 'filename'. If a file already exists it will be # overwritten by a new file. If '-directory' is used, the new zip archive # will be rooted in the provided directory. # -runtime can be used to specify a prefix file. For instance, # zip myzip -runtime unzipsfx.exe -directory subdir # will create a self-extracting zip archive from the subdir/ folder. # The -comment parameter specifies an optional comment for the archive. # # eg: zip -directory Subdir -runtime unzipsfx.exe *.txt # proc zip::mkzip {filename args} { array set opts {-zipkit 0 -runtime "" -comment "" -directory ""} while {[string match -* [set option [lindex $args 0]]]} { switch -exact -- $option { -zipkit { set opts(-zipkit) 1 } -comment { set opts(-comment) [encoding convertto utf-8 [pop args 1]] } -runtime { set opts(-runtime) [pop args 1] } -directory {set opts(-directory) [pop args 1] } -- { pop args ; break } default { break } } pop args } set zf [open $filename wb] if {$opts(-runtime) ne ""} { set rt [open $opts(-runtime) rb] fcopy $rt $zf close $rt } elseif {$opts(-zipkit)} { set zkd "#!/usr/bin/env tclkit\n\# This is a zip-based Tcl Module\n" append zkd "package require vfs::zip\n" append zkd "vfs::zip::Mount \[info script\] \[info script\]\n" append zkd "if {\[file exists \[file join \[info script\] main.tcl\]\]} {\n" append zkd " source \[file join \[info script\] main.tcl\]\n" append zkd "}\n" append zkd \x1A puts -nonewline $zf $zkd } set count 0 set cd "" set opwd [pwd] if {[catch { if {$opts(-directory) ne ""} { cd $opts(-directory) set paths [walk . {CVS/* *~ ".#*"}] } else { set paths [glob -nocomplain {*}$args] } foreach path $paths { append cd [mkzipfile $zf $path] incr count } set cdoffset [tell $zf] set endrec [binary format a4ssssiis PK\05\06 0 0 \ $count $count [string length $cd] $cdoffset\ [string length $opts(-comment)]] append endrec $opts(-comment) puts -nonewline $zf $cd puts -nonewline $zf $endrec close $zf } err erropt]} { cd $opwd return -options erropt $err } cd $opwd return } if {!$tcl_interactive} { set r [catch [linsert $argv 0 zip::mkzip] err] if {$r} {puts stderr $errorInfo} elseif {[string length $err]} {puts $err} exit $r } === ---- See also: [Using zipper to create zip files] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category XOTcl Code] | [Category Compression] | [Category VFS] |% !!!!!!