It is my understanding that, for some strange reason, Tk does not yet support console on Unix. That seems very anti-Tk to me - why waste so much time being cross platform and then break it by not offering something so simple? [RS] I think it was the other way round: on Unixes, where Tcl originated, you'd start wish ''at'' a console and be able to use its stdin/out/err from inside Tcl. Windows apps typically don't have these channels, so the [Windows wish console] was added to compensate for the loss. That WinTk's console grew more powerful (e.g. you can interact with the interpreter while a script is running, which you can't by default on Unix) justifies your wish to re-implant the original "bugfix" into generic Tk - or pull [tkcon] into the core? ---- Certainly I can see having at least the minimal console everywhere -I would also be heartily in favor of tkcon or something better being the default console across platforms. Of course, in both cases, a [TIP] is going to be needed... ---- Actually, would a TIP really be needed to activate a command that was already present on the other platforms? ---- See [console for Unix]. [JL] Why hasn't the console ever been made available on Unix? (I've checked up to 8.4) console.n and console.tcl are already installed, and it is useful for simple interactive debugging. All that's needed is to supply the 'console' command, or use something like the workaround above. This is not the same as adding tkcon. All I want is just the same, simple console across all platforms. ---- [LV] I don't recall whether a [TIP] has been filed to make this happen. ---- [RS] uses the following binding to have a console for debugging pop up when needed: bind . ? {catch {console show}} ----- [RA2] Hi! I'd like to attach a console to my TCL program. What code do I enter, where and how to start a console maximized (100%)? Thanks I appreciate! [RS]: See [console] and [Maximizing a toplevel window], but here's what works for me on Win XP: % console show % console eval {wm state . zoomed} [RA2] Thanks so much Richard! You are very kind! ---- [MG] Feb 16th 2005 - Out of sheer curiousity, I had a quick poke around to see if I could find how to change the prompt on the console, and found this (in ActiveTcl on WinXP): (Griffiths) 2 % console eval {set ::tk::console::defaultPrompt} subst {([file tail [pwd]]) [history nextid] % } I don't know if that's the default on all platforms, and I doubt that this is the Right Way to change the prompt (I think the internals of the console are subject to change without notification), but for now at least this works.. console eval {set ::tk::console::defaultPrompt {return "% "}} proc % {args} { eval $args } That sets the prompt to "% ", so that you can copy things you've typed into the console and paste them back in to run them again without having to remove the prompt. If you want the same effect but you want to keep the line number, just use console eval {set ::tk::console::defaultPrompt {subst {% ([history nextid]) }} proc % {lineNumber args} { eval $args } ---- 2005-04-23 [Derek Peschel] Evidently the discussion goes here and the code goes on the [console for UNIX] page. See my questions in [Ask, and it shall be given # 2]. I've put these items here because they aren't questions. Brian Theado and I and maybe others have changed the [console for UNIX] script as part of the TkOutline project []. After someone helps answer two questions I have, I think the changes should be propagated back here. They are: 1. The script has a few more comments. I also changed the punctuation of the comments for no other reason than personal taste. 2. It uses the '''$_''' variable when evaluating the library '''console.tcl''' file as well as when checking it for readability. I changed the name of the library file (so I could have my own version with a bigger font) and wasted some time wondering why my changes weren't being read. 3. Maybe more; I haven't looked in detail. [Brian Theado] - I'm pretty sure my console.tcl code is verbatim from [console for UNIX]--I've made no changes to it. I don't think anyone would object to enhancing the comments in the code on that page. As mentioned in private email, I recommend against having your own copy of the library console.tcl and instead use the [[console eval] command to get access to the console's interpreter and change the font. i.e. console eval {.console configure -font {Courier 14}} ---- '''Examples illustrating the console interpreter vs. the main Tcl interpreter''' Show the windows available to the main application interpreter: winfo children . Show the windows that makeup the console toplevel: console eval {winfo children .} Text typed into the console is read by the console interpreter and the command is passed to the main application interpreter. The [[console eval] command provides access to the console's interpreter. The console uses a separate interpreter likely in order to avoid confusion/collision of window names and command names that are used by the console. By having this interpreter, these windows and commands are hidden unless the [[console eval] command is used. ---- 08/31/2005 [BHE] I added an extra menu to the menubar for 'Options' and created an (un)word wrap option. It required that I also add a horizontal scrollbar and change the geometry manager from 'pack' to 'grid'. Add this block to proc tk::ConsoleInit before the help menu is added: .menubar add cascade -label Options -menu .menubar.options -underline 0 menu .menubar.options -tearoff 0 .menubar.options add checkbutton -label "Word Wrap" \ -underline 0 -command tk::ConsoleWrap -variable ::tk::console::wrapLines \ -onvalue char -offvalue none variable ::tk::console::wrapLines char And then add the horizontal scrollbar to proc tk::ConsoleInit and change the geometry manager: set con [text .console -yscrollcommand [list .sb set] -xscrollcommand [list .hsb set] -setgrid true] scrollbar .sb -command [list $con yview] scrollbar .hsb -orient horizontal -command [list $con xview] #pack .sb -side right -fill both #pack $con -fill both -expand 1 -side left grid $con .sb -sticky nsew grid .hsb -column 0 -row 1 -sticky ew grid remove .hsb grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 and finally, add this procedure: # ::tk::ConsoleWrap -- # # Toggles the word wrapping in the console # # Arguments: # None. proc tk::ConsoleWrap {} { variable ::tk::console::wrapLines .console config -wrap $::tk::console::wrapLines if {$::tk::console::wrapLines == "char"} { # hide the hscrollbar grid remove .hsb } else { grid .hsb } } It might be a good idea to add a font dialog option to the Options menu as well. [LV] One of the frustrating things when using GUI applications is finding that they haven't made it easy to change the font size. Some authors just point people to resource files or suggest they hack the code. But adding something like a font dialog option would be a great step forward. ----- [Tk syntax help] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] - [Category Command], a part of the [Tk] package