Version 23 of command options

Updated 2005-06-28 13:26:07

"command options" suggests several distinct topics:

  • tclsh and wish arguments
  • command-line options (as seen through $::argv) of Tcl-coded applications
  • idioms for parsing variable (args) arguments seen by pure-Tcl procs.

Certain considerations are common to all these, and are convenient to treat here in a unified way.

Question: In C, for Tcl, using the newer objc, objv API, how do I parse options? I would have thought people would need to do this all the time, but I can't find anything. Needs to handle args, options, required optional etc. Speed is high on the priority list...

If you can use the Tk library, try Tk_SetOptions and its assorted support functions. It would be nice if something like this were in the Tcl library, for those times when one doesn't have Tk around. A pure-Tcl solution might be to do the option handling in Tcl, passing a fixed number of arguments to the C code, but that might not meet your speed requirements.

[Many people write their own "... -arg1 val1 -arg2 val2 ..." processing, because it's so easy to use Tcl associative arrays (see "Arrays / Hash Maps") simply as the "optional arguments" section in Tcl Gems does ...]

Here is the start of some code to show at least one method of doing command line parsing. Hopefully people will contribute other samples as appropriate.

 # If this script was executed, and not just "source"'d, handle argv
 if { [string compare [info script] $argv0] == 0} {
      while {[llength $argv] > 0 } { 
         set flag [lindex $argv 0]
         switch -- $flag {
          "-bool" {
                  set bool 1
                  set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
          "-option" {
                  set value [lindex $argv 1]
                  set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]
           default { break }

 foreach file $argv {
    puts "[format "file: %s" $file]"

PT writes: I like to use code similar to the above example for option processing. However, we want to avoid 'shimmering' the args list into a string and back into a list. Plus I find it repatative to keep writing the same two lines for setting the option value. Here is my current example:

 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Description:
 #  Pop the nth element off a list. Used in options processing.
 proc dns::Pop {varname {nth 0}} {
     upvar $varname args
     set r [lindex $args $nth]
     set args [lreplace $args $nth $nth]
     return $r

 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Now the option processing loop. Eats the arguments once handled and stops at '--'

 # setup the defaults.
 array set opts {-a 1 -b 0}

 while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
     switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
         -a*   { set opts(-a) [Pop args 1] }
         -b*   { set opts(-b) [Pop args 1] }
         --    { Pop args ; break }
         default {
             set opts [join [lsort [array names state -*]] ", "]
             return -code error "bad option [lindex $args 0]: \
                     must be one of $opts"
     Pop args

 puts "Options now [array get opts] and the remaining args: $args"

I use procargs to do this job JBR

A quick and dirty way uses one-liners like this:

 if [regexp " -x" $::argv] {# do the X thing} ;# RS

If your values come in pairs (like -option value), I usually use the following code for parsing them:

 foreach {option value} $argument_list {
   switch -glob -- $option {
     -opt*      {set opt $value}
     -otheropt* {set otheropt $value}
     default    {error "Unknown option $option!"}

A classical and elegant solution to this task is from the Welch book:

 proc foo {args} {
    # first assign default values...
    array set options {-bar 1 -grill 2 -verbose 0 ...}
    # ...then possibly override them with user choices
    array set options $args

It does not check for undefined switches, though. (RS)

SB, 2003-05-21: For many of my tcl utilities I have only vanilla tclsh but still need to parse command line options. As I mostly use the tools myself I don't need too much fancy error detection. For a small application, I need a couple of switches, one with an argument and then the file to process. Nothing fancy, but it is written in a matter of seconds, and it is fairly easy to extend with more switches.

 set arglen [llength $argv]
 set index 0
 while {$index < $arglen} {
   set arg [lindex $argv $index]
   switch -exact -- $arg {
       {-s} {set args($arg) [lindex $argv [incr index]]}
       {-l} {set args($arg) .}
       default  {set filename [lindex $argv $index]}
   incr index
 if {[info exists args(-l)]} {
    puts "-l switch set"
    ... code what happens for -l
 if {[info exists args(-s)]} {
    puts "-s switch set with arg $args(-s)"
    ... code what happens for -s and its arg

A related topic: "Syntax parsing in Tcl".

Tcl syntax help - Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming