Version 2 of colorsel

Updated 2012-10-08 20:38:40 by RLE

aleksanteri, 6th of March 2008. I made this little color selector in a few hours when I was bored. Now I got it finished and decided to post it here :)

  # we need tk.
  package require Tk
  # procedures - the stuff working in the background
  proc colorup {amount} {
          # clear the entrybox
          .viewhex delete 0 end
          # get hexadecimal numbers
          set red [dectohex [.red get]]
          set green [dectohex [.green get]]
          set blue [dectohex [.blue get]]
          # build the color code
          set rgb "#$red$green$blue"
          # display the color code
          .view configure -bg $rgb
          .viewhex insert end $rgb
  proc entryup {} {
          set rgb [.viewhex get]
          # check length of $rgb
          switch -- [string length $rgb] {
                  7 {
                          # 7 - #rrggbb. check that # is the first character
                          regexp {(.).+} $rgb -> hashchar
                          if { $hashchar != "#"} {
                                  return 1;
                  4 {
                          # 4 - #rgb. check syntax and extend it
                          if [regexp {#(.)(.)(.)} $rgb -> num1 num2 num3] {
                                  set rgb "#$num1$num1$num2$num2$num3$num3"
                          } else  {
                                  return 1;
                  default {
                          # neither 7 or 4. we quit here
                          return 1;
          # extract $red, $green and $blue from $rgb
          regexp {#(..)(..)(..)} $rgb -> red green blue
          # convert $red, $green and $blue from dec to hex
          set red [hextodec $red]
          set green [hextodec $green]
          set blue [hextodec $blue]
          # set the scales' values
          .red set $red
          .green set $green
          .blue set $blue
  proc dectohex {amount} {
          # initialize $sixteens
          set sixteens 0
          # make $sixteens $amount / 16, and $amount the remainder of it
          while {$amount >= 16} {
                  set sixteens [expr $sixteens + 1]
                  set amount [expr $amount - 16]
          # change amounts into hex
          switch -- $amount {
                  15 { set amount F; }
                  14 { set amount E; }
                  13 { set amount D; }
                  12 { set amount C; }
                  11 { set amount B; }
                  10 { set amount A; }
                  0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 { }
                  default {
                          set amount 0;
          switch -- $sixteens {
                  15 { set sixteens F; }
                  14 { set sixteens E; }
                  13 { set sixteens D; }
                  12 { set sixteens C; }
                  11 { set sixteens B; }
                  10 { set sixteens A; }
                  0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 { }
                  default {
                          set sixteens 0;
          # return the amount back
          return $sixteens$amount
  proc hextodec {amount} {
          # separate the two chars from each other
          regexp {(.)(.)} $amount -> num1 num2
          # convert
          switch -- $num1 {
                  F - f { set num1 15; }
                  E - e { set num1 14; }
                  D - d { set num1 13; }
                  C - c { set num1 12; }
                  B - b { set num1 11; }
                  A - a { set num1 10; }
                  0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 { }
                  default {
                          set num1 0;
          switch -- $num2 {
                  F - f { set num2 15; }
                  E - e { set num2 14; }
                  D - d { set num2 13; }
                  C - c { set num2 12; }
                  B - b { set num2 11; }
                  A - a { set num2 10; }
                  0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 { }
                  default {
                          set num2 0;
          # build the number and return it
          return [expr ($num1 * 16) + $num2]
  # gui code
  # set the window title
  wm title . "colorsel 0.1"
  # labels
  label .redlabel   -text "Red"
  label .greenlabel -text "Green"
  label .bluelabel  -text "Blue"
  # scales
  scale .red   -from 0 -to 255 -length 350 -orient horizontal -command "colorup"
  scale .green -from 0 -to 255 -length 350 -orient horizontal -command "colorup"
  scale .blue  -from 0 -to 255 -length 350 -orient horizontal -command "colorup"
  # color canvas
  canvas .view -bg #000000 -width 128 -height 64
  # hexacode
  entry .viewhex -width 12
  .viewhex insert end "#000000"
  # grid all these up
  grid .redlabel   -row 0 -column 0
  grid .greenlabel -row 1 -column 0
  grid .bluelabel  -row 2 -column 0
  grid .red   -row 0 -column 1
  grid .green -row 1 -column 1
  grid .blue  -row 2 -column 1
  grid .view    -row 0 -column 2 -rowspan 2
  grid .viewhex -row 2 -column 2
  # bind the entrybox to [entryup]
  bind .viewhex <KeyRelease> entryup