Version 8 of class

Updated 2008-05-06 11:53:45 by LV

Concept definition

[Discuss what a class is. This will be, I suspect, a part of the overall object oriented information here on the wiki]

A class, in object orientation parlance, an abstract description of the executable actions and type of data and state that an object instantiation of said class will have.

A class can consist of state representation, data, and executable code such as initialization, cleanup, and operations (frequently called methods) that the object can invoke.

Yuck - don't like that definition!

DKF: I like to think of a class as being the type of one or more objects, as well as a factory for those objects. Not all OO systems uses classes though (e.g. SELF uses prototypical objects).

Feel free to add your own definition.

incr tcl class command

The string "class" is also used as an extension command name, at least within itcl. See also a class code generator