chan - Manipulate channels (''[NEM]: this link is 404'', [schlenk]: The man pages for Tcl 8.5 at seem to be at 8.5a3, so they need an update. [DKF]: If the link isn't there yet, that's where it ''will'' be, OK?) '''chan''' ''option'' ?''arg arg ...''? ** See Also ** This command (introduced in Tcl 8.5) provides several operations on a channel, including many that have been available using a mix of other commands. ''Option'' indicates what to do with the channel. Any unique abbreviation for ''option'' is acceptable. The valid ''option''s are: (see complete man page; here's only notes on selected options). : '''chan''' ''action'' ?''arg arg ...''? ''Why was thing thing called 'chan' instead of 'channel'?'' [schlenk]: It's mentioned in the TIP [], basically same style as [interp] for interpreter. [TIP] [|%208]: add `chan` ''I see. Thank you for pointing that out. Pretty lame reasoning when "channel" is much more descriptive. But I'm not the one doing all the work so I'm not complaining! '' [AMG]: `chan` aggregates all the commands you'll need for working with '''[chan blocked]''' ''channelId'' '''[chan close]''' ''channelId'' '''[chan configure]''' ''channelId'' ?''optionName''? ?''value''? ?''optionName value''?... '''[chan copy]''' ''inputChan outputChan'' ?''options...''? '''[chan create]''' ''mode cmdPrefix'' '''[chan eof]''' ''channelId'' '''[chan event]''' ''channelId event'' ?''script''? '''[chan flush]''' ''channelId'' '''[chan gets]''' ''channelId'' ?''varName''? '''[chan names]''' ?''globPattern''? '''[chan postevent]''' ''channelId eventSpec'' '''[chan puts]''' ?'''-nonewline'''? ?''channelId''? ''string'' '''[chan read]''' ''channelId'' ?''numChars''? '''[chan read]''' ?'''-nonewline'''? ''channelId'' '''[chan seek]''' ''channelId offset'' ?''origin''? '''[chan tell]''' ''channelId'' '''[chan truncate]''' ''channelId'' ?''length''? ---- [[[Category Command]]]