Version 2 of bindvariables with oratcl 4.4

Updated 2009-06-07 21:07:59 by HE

HE June 7 2009: I have a problem with bindvariables and oratcl 4.4. The original task ist to analyse a huge textfile, search the data in an oracle xe database and add the data if the data is missing in the database. The problem is that the tclscript growth and growth.

I analysed the problem and the following reproduce the problem:

I use an oracle Xe database with its standardschema hr. THe machine it runs is a dual core 2 with xp sp2. Database and script are running on the same machine. I add the following table and add one row to the table:

        id NUMBER, 
        k VARCHAR2(1000), 
        v VARCHAR2(1000), 
        typ VARCHAR2(20)
 INSERT INTO tag (id, k, v, typ) VALUES (0, 'created_by', 'HE', 'node');

The following is the script which reproduce the huge memory use:

 package require Oratcl 4.4
 set db(db)   xe
 set db(user) hr
 set db(pass) hr
 set db(logon) [oralogon $db(user)/$db(pass)@$db(db)]

 set db(tag_select)          [oraopen $db(logon)]
 oraparse $db(tag_select) {SELECT id FROM tag WHERE k = :k AND v = :v AND typ = :typ}

 set tmp(k)   created_by
 set tmp(v)   JOSM
 set tmp(typ) node

 for {set n 0} {$n < 1000000} {incr n} {
        orabindexec $db(tag_select) :k $tmp(k) :v $tmp(v) :typ $tmp(typ)

It looks like binding new values to the bindvariables of the same statementhandle consumes the memory. Is this known? A bug? Or have I missed something?