"Balloon help" is sometimes known as "[tooltips]". Effective Tcl's example code ( http://sf.net/projects/efftcl/ ) [http://www.awl.com/cseng/titles/0-201-63474-0/efftcl-ex.tar.Z] as well as Jeff Hobbes's widget library [http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/tcllib/widget/library/balloonhelp.tcl] include a balloonhelp.tcl [[Where is its documentation?]] [Bwidgets] have balloons under the title of "Dynamic help", here's an example how simple that can be ([RS]): interp alias {} help {} DynamicHelp::register Button .f.open -image $im(open) -command {starDOM::openFile .t} help .f.open balloon "Open existing XML file" [Tix] has a ballon widget: see http://tix.sourceforge.net/man/html/TixCmd/tixBalloon.htm ---- [[Also describe the section in the M&M book.]]