Version 16 of artificial intelligence

Updated 2004-08-04 14:29:03

What is Artificial Intelligence?

data is received by the senses. they are converted to symbols and stored in the memory.combinations of symbols result to intelligence. memory has some given concepts which are set in motion and either adding up or reducing.

NEM Well, the idea that human cognition is based on the manipulation of symbols is the symbolic approach, which is less popular these days, although there is still a lot of research in this area. Logic (e.g. Prolog) and rule-based (e.g. CLIPS) programming languages are generally most used for this kind of work, often in connection with Expert Systems. There is growing interest these days in connectionist approaches, using such things as Neural Networks. These are two approaches to Cognitive Modelling which is a field which tries to come up with computer models of how the human brain might work, and is closely related to cognitive psychology, neuroscience and, often, philosophy. AI tries to make computers more intelligent, cognitive modelling tries to make computers more like humans. There is considerable overlap here, but the two aren't necessarily the same goal. For more on the difference between symbolic and connectionist approaches, see the paper by Marvin Minsky, entitled "Logical vs Analogical or Symbolic vs Connectionist or Neat vs Scruffy" (I think that's the title anyway). You'll have to google for it, as I don't have the URL at hand.

For a more conventional presentation, see, for example, the CMU AI Repository [L1 ], but especially "The Outsider's Guide to Artificial Intelligence" [L2 ].

TV I always feel compelled to think that something or someone intelligent has the capability also to count, which I don't see most neural networks do at all, and if they can, the number of numbers the habbian memory can in theory store is a very interesting measure for their relative intelligence as in the human kind. One may end up with a very interesting circuit diagram consisting of probably more than a few dozen logical gate equivalents resemblic the digital circuit for a counter. A counter 'is' a finite state machine.

Counting is simple...

There is also an AIWiki at [L3 ]. Unlike a few others, it is research oriented. Your contributions are welcome.

See Artificial Intelligence with Tcl. See also [L4 ].

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