What is Artificial Intelligence? ---- data is the given element. perception is the missing one. yet peception prerequires the sense of sentiment. we have the advantage of programming,by working on data. thus we could give the opportunity to data to get processed in a more multiple way. sentiments could be substituted by the differntiation of combinations with main parametre the time... and content of data of course... for being more specific, intelligence is a matter of yes and no, to given characteristics, which are gained through experience and symbols. it is a sense of perception what we re interested in, which is the means of gaining intelligence. perception is the negative or positive adding to a feeling gained by senses, a sentiment. the data given by the senses, are formatted by the sentiments to add or substract from a data given by the senses. thus intelligence is the chain of data gained by senses, formatted, compressed and processed by sentiments to new data. {[TV] Flip a coin, throw a dice, gaze at the stars, snap out of it...} thus we need three cooperating systems. brain, senses and emotions. according to my very little knowledge, we have imitated only brains activity. we need to imitate senses and feelings too.which will be based on data given to us, as we do not know sentimnts recourse.forgive me for my foolishness.:) ---- {[TV] Lets start by going over all emotions coming from all possible combinations of throwing a dice 6 times, shall we, and after good economical principle order them somehow. Or even better, determine how 10 people can say two things to eachother. Lets see, thats already 100 possibilities just to determine who will say something, let alone what. Major sense exitation possibility database here. Make it 10 things it things go galactic...} ---- For a more conventional presentation, see, for example, the CMU AI Repository [http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ai-repository/ai/html/air.html], but especially "The Outsider's Guide to Artificial Intelligence" [http://www.robotwisdom.com/ai/]. ---- See [Artificial Intelligence with Tcl]. ---- [Category Glossary]