For x86-Linux-to-Windows, [Rolf Ade] favors the binaries at . One typically unzips .bz2 with "bunzip2". This binary image requires GNU libc 2.2. Add the bin dir of the mingw cross compiler to your PATH. (You could also use the [mingw32]/bin dir, with links with 'standard' names - gcc, ar, ranlib etc. - to the real program's in bin, but be careful to not fool yourself with different 'gcc's in your PATH.) [[Explain example.]] ---- While someone once wrote, "To set up an Xmingwin cross compiler use the script provided by [Mo DeJong] (a copy is available at [] (notice the one bogus newline in the middle of 'BASE_URL=...' which needs to be removed). This script downloads Xmingwin, builds it and installs under /usr/local/Xmingwin (you can edit the script and change the PREFIX variable if you want to install it elsewhere)", [CL] found that unworkable in October 2002. Here's another such script, which no Tcl-er has yet tried: